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Unable to retrieve next sequence value from a migrated Oracle sequence


SSMA 4.2 emulates an Oracle sequence as a table containing an IDENTITY column. Each sequence gets its own table, prefaced by the literal “$SSMA_seq_”.    Thus, an Oracle sequence named SUPPLIER_SEQ would be migrated to a table in the target SQL Server database named “$SSMA_seq_SUPPLIER_SEQ”, defined as




            [id] [numeric](38, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL




SSMA provides a scalar function used to emulate Oracle’s NEXTVAL:



Where the arguments are:

  • @dbname: The name of the database that contains the sequence.
  • @schema: The name of the schema that contains the sequence.
  • @name: The sequence name.

Return type: numeric(38,0).


Problem statement:

After migrating an Oracle sequence to SQL Server 2005, the db_get_next_sequence_value UDF unexpectedly returned NULL.

SELECT [sysdb].[ssma_oracle].[db_get_next_sequence_value] (





Returns: NULL


The root cause and a fix for this issue are still under investigation. However, in the interim, we have identified the following workaround.
1) In SQL Server Management Studio, navigate to sysdb, Programmability, Scalar-valued Functions.
2) Right-click the function ssma_oracle.db_get_next_sequence_value and select ‘Modify.’




3) Alter the function to add the highlighted line (shown in context):  

 ALTER function [ssma_oracle].[db_get_next_sequence_value](@dbname sysname,

@schema sysname,

@name sysname) RETURNS integer

as begin

declare @fullname nvarchar(386)

set @fullname = ssma_oracle.db_get_full_name(@dbname,@schema,ssma_oracle.db_get_sequence_table(@name))

if object_id(@fullname) is null return null;

declare @curval integer

declare @spid int, @login_time datetime

select @spid = sysdb.ssma_oracle.get_active_spid(),@login_time = sysdb.ssma_oracle.get_active_login_time()

exec master..xp_ora2ms_exec2 @spid,@login_time,'sysdb','ssma_oracle',

      'db_sp_get_next_sequence_value',@dbname,@schema,@name,@curval output

return @curval



The function now returns the correct NEXTVAL for the identity value’s seed and increment:





Author : Brian, SQL Escalation Services , Microsoft


  • Anonymous
    April 11, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 13, 2011
    I updated it and found instead that altering the datatype for the function’s return value , the local variable is a better solution.

  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2015
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2015
    just to be clear to everyone who comes to this page; you need to change the return output type from numeric(38,0) to integer and change the declare statement to integer too