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Exchange Daily Messaging Report

I was tasked with creating a daily messaging report that would meet the following requirements:

  • Collect essential information about the Exchange 2007 environment
  • Save the data in HTML format
  • Email that report to users

So I created a powershell script that would collect the following information:

  • Mailbox Stats (total #, over quota, over 5GB, etc)
  • Message Stats (number of msg sent/rcd, NDRs, total size, etc)
  • Identify servers who have volumes with less than 20% of free space available
  • Database Information (last full backup, is mounted?, # of mbx, size, etc)
  • Identify if any SMTP queues have more than 50 msgs pending delivery
  • Collect errors from event log, generated during past 24 hours

Once collected, it will send a message with the information as an attached and within the body of the message.

Thanks to & for their contribution

Attached is the script (right click and save target as for proper formatting)

Have fun!

