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Don’t forget our old blogs!

I am very happy with the progress of the deployment guys blog so far. Hopefully you all agree that we are providing useful content to help you with deployment.

But don’t forget our old blogs :). They contain heaps of great content that is still very relevant to MDT 2008 and Configuration Manager.

With this in mind we have created the following directory. It lists and categorises the posts on on our old blogs that we think are still useful today, in one handy location.


How to manually use a BDD Task Sequence to test application installation

Details how to test installing application you have created in BBD without reinstalling the operating system each time you test.
MDT 2008 now allows you to create a custom task sequence from within the deployment workbench but the general concepts are still valid.

Top Ten - Most Common BDD 2007 issues

Details the most common issues found with BDD. These issues are still valid with MDT 2008.

Troubleshooting Database issues

Details how BDD uses it's database and how to troubleshoot issues.

Windows PE 2.0 - XP Disk partitioning issues

Details how to deal with the Uberbug :). MDT task sequences now include a disabled task that will solve this issue. Simply enable the task if you are having this issue.

Understanding BDD logs

Details the logs used in the BDD deployment process. These logs are still valid for MDT.

How To quickly test rules

Details a process for testing the BDD rules you have created in an offline manner. This process is still valid in MDT.

Understanding Deployment

Understanding BDD rule processing

This post is essential reading for those who want to understand how BDD/MDT processes rules (CustomSettings.ini).
This is still valid for MDT. The only area it does not cover is web services.

How do you do it?

This provides a high level overview of how I use BDD 2007.

General BDD Tips and Tricks

is is still relevant to MDT although it does not cover Configuration Manager.

Using the Lite Touch wizard in Zero Touch

Details how to use the BDD lite touch with SMS. When reviewing this post I would also recommend that you take look at Johan Arwidmarks front end.

Creating Model Aliases

Shows how to change the model name of a computer. This is very useful when one model type has many variations of the model value returned by WMI.

Multiple Keyboard Locales

Details how to manage multiple key board locales with BDD/MDT.

How to write a custom script

Outlines the logic behind BDD/MDT scripts and how you can leverage this when creating your own scripts.

Identifying hardware types

Details how to use manage rules based on hardwre type. This is useful when you want to install an application on a laptop only.

List of utility functions

Details the utility functions available in BDD scripts. While a majority of the functions still exist in MDT this post should not be considered authoritative.

Tuning SMS WIM compression

Shows how to disable WIM compression on an SMS server. This is useful when test deployment in a lab environment.

Integrating WinRE into Vista with BDD

Shows how to integrate WinRE into your BDD deployment process.

Sorting Applications

This is a utility that will sort the MDT applications. It is worth looking at the comments to see varitions on this utility that others have created.

Reusing the SMS GUID in a New Computer deployment

Details how you retain a computer GUID when rebuilding a client using the new computer method. This approach is not valid for Configuration Manager.

Time saving tips - How to manually restart the build process

Details how to restart the build process after a provious failed build in the quickest manner possible.

How to create a Custom task sequence with reboots

This shows how to manage reboots when using a custom task sequence.

WMI Tags for Task Sequencer Logic

Details a useful script for extracting the top 10 WMI tags that can then be used during deployment

General Purpose CustomSettings.ini

Details a basic CustomSettings.ini file below that can be used as a general purpose starting point for many build configurations

Adding Dynamic OEM Information to a BDD 2007 Build

Shows how to automatically add dynamic model and make information to the OEM section of the system properties in Windows Vista

Useful Registry Changes During Build Creation/Image Deployment

A consolidated list of useful registry keys that can be changed during build and deployment stages to customise an image

Computer Name Selection in ZTI Deployments

Details a useful VBScript for adding computer name requests to a ZTI deployment

Multiple Partitions in BDD 2007

Details how to use the ZTIDiskpart.txt file to automate the creation of multiple partitions

Using Your BDD 2007 Task Sequences as Templates

Details how to add you own templates to the MDT workbench for consumption during task sequence setup

Mass Storage Drivers

Intel Mass Storage Drivers (iastor)

Details how to inject mass storage drivers into a Windows PE 2004/2005 image.

Integrating Mass Storage Drivers into your XP image

Details how to manage mass storage drivers when deploying an XP image. MDT now includes a process for managing mass storage drivers in Windows XP/Wimndows 2003.

Managing computer objects in Active Directory

How to move a computer object in Windows PE

Shows how to move an Active Directory computer object to a specified OU fro m wtihin Windows PE.

BDD 2007 -How to ensure the computer is in the correct OU

Shows how to ensure that the computer you are deploying is in the correct OU.

Using the BDD Database

How to Prompt for information then update the database

Shows how to prompt the user for information during a deployment and then update the BDD/MDT database with this information.

BDD2007 - Bulk database updates

Shows how to perform bulk uploads to the BDD database.

Deployment planning

Windows Vista Deployment Planning - Part 1

Details the Infrastructure prerequisites that need to be considered for any Windows Vista deployment project

Windows Vista Deployment Planning - Part 2

Details the client hardware requirements that need to be considered for any Windows Vista deployment project

Windows Vista Deployment Planning - Part 3

Details the application compatibility testing and remediation requirements that need to be considered for any Windows Vista deployment project

Windows Vista Client Build and Deployment Process

Outlines the areas that should be consider when working with clients on Windows Vista deployment projects

BDD Lite Touch and Zero Touch Lab Recommendations

Provides high level guidance on settings up a BDD 2007 lab environment.

General Deployment information

How drivers are added to Windows PE and Windows Vista during an unattended installation

Details a process list for how device drivers are added to Windows PE and Windows Vista during deployment

PowerCfg - Useful if you know the GUIDS!

Details how to scripting power management options during builds

Disabling the Network Location Prompt

Details how to add a RunSynchronous command to stop the network location dialogue appearing during the build process

User Account Control - What you need to know from a deployment perspective

Outlines the difference between new standard user tasks and the tasks that require admin elevation in Windows Vista

Microsoft Product Evals on Virtual Hard Disk

Lists a set of locations to download pre-created virtual hard disk images for many Microsoft products


This post was contributed by Ben Hunter a Consultant with Microsoft Services New Zealand.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi I am probably posting this in the wrong place, but it my first post here. Apologies. I have found a small issue in our BDD setup and thought you might be able to help. When adding applications thought BDD, the option to Hide the application during the deployment is missing. Any idea how to reconfigure to put this option back? Thanks geebie

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi Ben, Just seen an issue from your old blog site about deploying a vista custom image and the person was getting an error about unable to find setup.exe error during the LTI process. You mentioned that you had to have a vista full source deployment added to the deployment point does this mean for every remote deployment point you have you must add the full deployment to the deployment point prior to adding a custom vista image? Thanks Emilios theori

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    the same thing I want to accomplish myself I want to format just the first partition(already created) and leave the 2nd one untouched. ztidiskpart.wsp cleans the drive, I don't want that. Modyifing throws an error. diskpart.exe /s diskpart.txt doesn't work also. What should I do? this is how ztidiskpart.txt looks like select disk=0 select partition 1 format fs=ntfs label="WINDOWS" assign letter=C active ztidiskpart.cmd doesn't work either this is how it looks like Diskpart.exe /s ZTIDiskpart.txt I'm going to try next to run cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%diskpart.exe /s diskpart.txt after copying diskpart.exe in the script folder. Let's see how it goes. Greets Atolica

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    hi guys i am using the latest MDT 2008 beta 2 and I have some issues when trying to partition and format my hdd. Could not complete.... 0 errors and 0 warnings and a red windows. Can't remember the error message exactly. What is the proper command for ztidiskpart.wsf? ztidiskpart.wsf ztidiskpart.txt? or just simply ztidiskpart.wsf? I tried diskpart.exe /s diskpart.txt and throws the same error. Greets

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi. Sorry if this is the wroing spot to post this, but I can't seem to do it anywhere else. I have a requirement to install an XP wim to a disk that has  two partitions using MDT on a removable media deployment point. I need to install XP to partition 1 and retain data on the second partition. Having trouble doing this as I cannot tell the task sequencer to only format c: and install to it and not to "touch" any other partition. If anyone has had any experience with this type of a scenario, would appreciate your input.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi Charles, unfortuanlty I don't think this will work. It looks like you are trying to clean and repartition the disk you are booted from. The only way you could get this working from a icon on the desktop would be to have that icon run a script to pull down an MDT winpe to the hard disk, change the disk boot order to boot from that, reboot the system and then do the repartition. The MDT CD will boot into memory allowing you to clean the harddisk it loaded from. A simpler method would be to deploy a WDS server that delivers the MDT boot CD and instructions to end users on how to connect to this server. Hope this helps, Rich Trusson

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi Ben I stumbled upon another MDT issue. The deployment sequence seems to run fine until it gets to the sysprep task just after finishing installing applications (which install smoothly btw). Then, after looking over the task sequence, copying and sysprep should kick in. That doesn't happen for me. No sysprep, no restart. I thought of manually run sysprep.exe /generalize /quiet /oobe, but after restarting the machine I got: "Windows could not finish configuring the system. The attempt to resume configuration, restart the computer". Restarting normally without sysprepping works fine. Can you give me a hint what am I doing wrong? Regards Atolica

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Leggere questo post mi ha fatto ripensare al mio primo progetto su BDD: questi post li conosco non dico

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2008
    Thank you for your reply, Rich. Looks like I need to just stick with having clients and techs boot to LiteTouchPE_x86.iso on a CDUSB2 so it auto-runs the "New Computer" to obtain my objective. Thanks again!