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Injecting Hyper-V Synthetic drivers to WinPE

One of the things we try not to do on this blog is just post links to other peoples blogs. But this is, I think, too good to miss.

Anyone who is using Microsoft's new Hyper-V solution will have found problems when trying to build a Hyper-V guest machine. WinPE just does not have the Hyper-V synthetic divers in it out of the box. So you go and change the drivers to legacy which means you can do the build but then you have to change back. Also having the drivers in WinPE results in a faster build.

The blog post below outlines how to inject the synthetic drivers into WinPE in a clear step by step way. It even provides a little script to semi-automate the process.


Be sure to read the comments for some updates regarding paths in WAIK x86 as opposed to x64.


This post was contributed by Richard Trusson a Senior Consultant with Microsoft Services, UK.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Blogs are a community network that only works if you promote other great things you find on the Internet.  So, thanks for posting otherwise we would have missed out on this.