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Windows XP to Windows 7 Migration Guide

Although this post is not strictly a deployment post, I felt it worthy because it offers some assistance for planning your Windows 7 deployments!


A great guide has been posted on TechNet recently that should really help with the Windows 7 deployment discussions that a lot of you are hopefully having :-).  The Windows XP to Windows 7 Migration section is a complete guide on pretty much everything you’ll need to know in order to start preparing and planning your migration to Windows 7 from Windows XP.  It starts by gathering information about your hardware/software and then helps with the business decisions you’ll need to make based on your inventory and requirements; it also offers tips/tricks/assistance to help things go smoothly.

Find it here:


The only vital thing that seems to be missing from it is a link to this blog…


This post was contributed by Daniel Oxley a consultant with Microsoft Consulting Services Spain

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