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April Fool's Day 2010 Joke Post

David Meego - Click for blog homepageHi everyone again,

First, I must say thank you to all of you who posted farewell comments or sent concerned emails.  Also the job offers might come in handy one day. It was nice to see that you cared, but it also showed that you did not read right to the end of the post. I never said anything about leaving.

If you read from an RSS feed, you would not have read the final sentence about staying in Perth.  I added that after too many people were thinking that not wanting to move to Fargo really did mean I was leaving Microsoft. While I love the concept of RSS, it always frustrates me that it does not sent out edits to posts. Hint: Read the blog itself.

Even with the time difference (April Fool's Day starts in Australia 12-16 hours before it does in the US), fooling the community this year was a lot harder.  Everyone was wary after the Dexterity.Net post from last year.

This year I was trying to decide if I would post a joke article at all. Last year's post had some repercussions as many people believed it. I even had someone ask me when Dexterity.Net was coming at the Technical Conference in November last year. So this year it had to be something that would not have repercussions and did not need a retraction post. Hence the giveaway in the final paragraph.

But... just in case....

Everything in yesterday's post, Sad Day in Dynamics GP (Great Plains) Community, is true.  Just because I don't have any plans to move to Fargo does not mean I am going anywhere. I am staying with Microsoft, continuing to work with the Dynamics GP product and still based in Perth, Western Australia. While I love visiting Fargo to see the teams based there, it is not somewhere I would want to live full time. My life and family is firmly anchored in Perth.

That said, I hope to see many of you at Mariano's and my sessions at Convergence 2010 in Atlanta.



  • Anonymous
    April 05, 2010
    David, I knew it would be a SAD day at Microsoft Business Solutions.. for you to leave. However, NO WAY would you position an exit strategy on or near April 1st. You are funny but not cunning enough for the few of us who have known you from your days as of sales and consulting (circa 1999).  I look forward to seeing you and my old friend Mariano Gomez (Miami friend) at Convergence Atlanta. I will try to coordinate something with you and Mariano, maybe lunch or dinner/drinks. (contact info 1 dash 305 dash 984 dash 3262) Thanks for the laugh my old great plains friend. I have to agree with you on Fargo a place to visit but never live. I hope you have not forgotten me - Bali April 1999 past sweetheart of Hugh Fiddy? Dana Quinters - Project Manager for ITS at Preferred Care Partners (Dyn GP client and Microsoft shop)

  • Anonymous
    April 05, 2010
    Hi Dana Yes, of course I remember you. I also remember the Partner Retreat in Bali. Looking forward to catching up with you. David