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Support Debugging Tool Build 10 released

David MeegoSome of you might know that I have been busy working on the next build of the Support Debugging Tool for Microsoft Dynamics GP. If you did not know... well... you do now.

I have a wish list of features based on feedback from colleagues and the partner community as well as my own ideas for enhancements. I have been slowly working my way through this list and even though there is still more work to be done, I wanted to give you the benefit of the work completed already.

So, we have released Build 10 of the tool on PartnerSource. The download links for the pages are below.

Here is a summary of the features and enhancements added:

  • ScreenShot
    ScreenShot is a tool that will capture screen shots of all open windows in the Microsoft Dynamics GP system and email them along with a detailed System Summary Report and optional copies of the Dynamics.set and Dex.ini files.  


  • Security Profiler
    The Security Profiler window has been enhanced to provide more information about security issues. It can now be set to automatically open when an error occurs so that you can immediately see the cause. You can print the contents of the window or even better, export to file or email a log of the information. This log can be emailed to your administrator, so they can see the issues and the cause on their system.
  • Resource Information
    The Resource Information window has been enhanced to provide better search capabilities with options for Exact Match, Begins With and Contains searching as well as turning off case sensitivity. A Search Again button has been added so that you can keep searching for resources that match your criteria in all available dictionaries.
  • Security Information
    The new Security Information window can be opened using a right mouse click context sensitive menu or the Security button from the Security Profiler and Resource Information windows. This window will display a full break down of the security status for a selected resource for a specified user and company combination. It can then be used as a launch pad to open the security windows to make changes.

    For v8.0 & v9.0: It will show the security settings for the user and the user's class.

    For v10.0: It will show the Security Tasks and Roles that the user is assigned to that grant access to the resource and customisation selected from the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID. It will also show the Security Tasks and Roles available on the system that are linked to the selected resource.
     Security Information Window
  • Administrator Settings
    This new "Advanced Mode" window is used to set default settings for the tool, including the administrator's email address, whether ScreenShot adds the Dynamics.set and Dex.ini files as attachments and whether the Security Profiler window should open automatically when there are errors or warnings.

There have also been a number of minor tweaks to the code to improve functionality and performance.  Please download this latest version and get it installed on all your customer sites.



For downloads, please see the Support Debugging Tool Portal Page:

Support Debugging Tool Portal


Support Information 

The Support Debugging Tool is a custom built tool to provide additional capabilities to troubleshoot issues and is not part of the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP released application. Technical support for this tool is not handled via the standard support systems and instead is provided via the public Microsoft Dynamics GP Community Forum. You can use the link below to access the forum:

To assist the partners and Microsoft employees who monitor the forum for these questions, please prefix any subject lines with the initials "SDT: ".


More Information

For more information, please see the Support Debugging Tool Portal Page:

Support Debugging Tool Portal


Have a look at Mariano Gomez's great post with his take on the latest features added to Build 10.

Please post your feedback as comments, I would love to know how the new features work for you. 


21-Dec-2008: Added link to Mariano Gomez's blog post.

06-May-2009: Added link to the Support Debugging Tool Tag page.

10-Mar-2010: Added link for Support Debugging Tool Portal page.

30-Aug-2011: Added screenshots of ScreenShot and System Status.

16-May-2013: Updated More Information and Downloads to link to Support Debugging Tool Portal page.


  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2008
    There's a new version of the Support Debugging Tool for Dynamics GP available with plenty of new

  • Anonymous
    December 22, 2008
    By David Musgrave Some of you might know that I have been busy working on the next build of the Support

  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2008
    The Support Debugging Tool for Dynamics GP 10 has been released by Dave Musgrave. Below is a list of

  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2008
    Posting from the Dynamics GP Blogster

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2009
    From the Microsoft Dynamics GP Application Level Security Series . Microsoft Dynamics GP version 10.0

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2009
    From the Microsoft Dynamics GP Application Level Security Series . In the previous post, How to identify

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2009
    From the Microsoft Dynamics GP Application Level Security Series . When logging into Microsoft Dynamics

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2009
    From the Microsoft Dynamics GP Application Level Security Series . When access is denied by the application

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2009
    As a developer there are often times when I need to write and maintain code which works for multiple

  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2009
    Terrific resource! Thanks, David!

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2012
    Posting from Mark Polino at