2Mbps Upload speed in a Windows Mobile Phone
Samsung has launched their first HSUPA (High Speed Upload Packet Access) phone, the SCM-M470, which runs Windows Mobile and seems to be quite a nice phone. You can learn more at https://www.windowsfordevices.com/news/NS8700763418.html
The Sony XPERIA also supports HSUPA. AT&T has been deploying HSDPA and HSUPA .To test the actual trhoughput on your phone go to https://text.dslreports.com/mspeed and try the 1Mb file. Keep in mind actual speeds depend on your phone, the cell tower you are connecting to, distance to the tower, interference and probably most important to consider - number of concurrent users connecting to the same cell tower.
April 07, 2008
Finalmente arrivano i cellulari HSUPA...Anonymous
April 07, 2008
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