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Microsoft® Expression Web Beta 1 is now available for download:)

Hi there, well if you made it to Student TechEd Day or various User Groups then you'll have seen my session on Expression Web Designer and hopefully like you'll be pretty excited by the possibilities. 

There is fantastic support for markup standards; HTML, XHTML and CSS etc, the tracing, design and rendering support and the multi browser previews.

Well Expression Web Beta 1 is now available for download and it's pretty darn good, it comes with a minor name tweak, it's now called just Expression Web, the Designer part of the name has been dropped.

It'll coexist on systems with current released versions of Office, 2003 etc. But if you are trailing Office 2007 then it will only coexist with Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh.

See and have fun.

I've attached my demo notes to this blog item to help you get started.

Feel free to post comments with links to your creations off this entry. 

Cheers, Dave

Expression Demo.doc
