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Dave Glover "Down Under (Oz)"

Internet of Things, Azure, Visual Studio, Mobility, Windows, Security, and Gadgets:-)

Convert It 3.0 Smartphone Edition Online Help

Online help for Convert It 3.0 coming soon!! Hopefully the application is fairly self explanatory -...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 10/05/2005

Web Based MSN IM Client

I reckon this is still a fairly well kept secret, but if you are on the move and want to get on to...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/28/2005

Melbourne (Oz) Geek Dinner for October 7th, 2005

From "IT Digest - Ingenious Tejas' Digest Blog" Please post a comment on Tejas' blog if you can make...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/20/2005

Get MSDN Universal Now! (MUST Sign up by Oct 31st 2005 to save over $A10,000 on VSTS)

In case you missed Frank's posting on this then read on and remember this offer runs to Oct 31st...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/19/2005

Round the World in 20 Days

Well I've not disappeared but am currently going around the world (the wrong way according to Dr...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/19/2005

How to uninstall Visual Studio 2005 Betas and CTPs

check out

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/16/2005

"Master of Enterprise Architecture" now available from RMIT University

David asked us to get the word out and it defo looks interesting... I caught up with Keith Frampton...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/15/2005

My Day One PDC 2005 Highlights

Great first day with a few surprises!! My favourites were:- LINQ - Now this is well cool!! It's the...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/14/2005

How to Optimize Virtual PC Performance

For a useful support article on optimising performance of Virtual PC environments then check out...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/07/2005

Bill Gates' PDC 2005 keynote will be broadcast live on the Web, September 13, 2005 at 8:30am (LA Time)

Just spotted this on the PDC 2005 site! Bill's PDC keynote is always an awesome session and...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/07/2005

SQLDownunder Podcast: Itzik Ben-Gan discussing the T-SQL language enhancements in SQL 2005

Check it out, you know it'll be good for ya!! see - esp if you saw the...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/06/2005

Understanding and Extending the Site Navigation System in ASP.NET 2.0

David Gristwood (Crispie Gristie) a mate of mine from the UK did some time recently in Redmond...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/06/2005

A bit of humour for the day. All the Smartphone stuff is making my head hurt:-)

Ahh, enough Windows Mobile V5.0 Smartphone stuff for the day - this found it's way in to my inbox,...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/06/2005

Setting up the Sample Test Certificates to deploy a Windows Mobile V5.0 Smartphone Cab

Ahhh, life was so simple before hackers and if you were building Smartphone 2003 apps then you'll...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/06/2005

Connecting the Windows Mobile V5 Smartphone Emulator to Visual Studio 2005 August CTP Build

This posting relates to "SMS/Text Voting Solution available for download. Utilizes Windows Mobile...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/06/2005

SMS/Text Voting Solution available for download. Utilizes Windows Mobile V5, SQL Mobile 2005 and SMS Message Interceptor

Ta da, well I've finally finished Version 1.0 of my SMS Voting solution, the system supports up to...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 09/05/2005

101 Samples for Visual Studio 2005 Published on MSDN

In case you missed this - check out...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 08/24/2005

What's New for ASP.NET V2 Web Service Developers in the .NET Framework 2.0

Spotted the page on my travels yesterday and it's a great summary of what is new for Web Services...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 08/24/2005

BOO!! How about joining us at Tejas' Geek Dinner in Melbourne Oz - Friday August 26th, 2005

Lol, yeah scared ya didn't I :-) Haha, well now I have your attention!! If you live in Melbourne...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 08/22/2005

Great Guide to Web Design up on SSW's site - defo worth checking out!!

Got a cracking email from Adam Cogan (SSW's Chief Architect) with a stack trace from hell clearly...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 08/17/2005

Microsoft's Virtualisation Roadmap and just what is a Hypervisor

An email caught my eye this evening, it was sent out by Jeff Woolsey, Lead Program Manager for...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 08/11/2005

What Sex is your Computer? Fun/Silly:-)

A Spanish teacher was explaining to her class that, in Spanish unlike in English, nouns are...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 08/08/2005

Mobile Web MapPoint is Magic Mate - Geez, now this stuff is cool!! See sample code...

Ok, I'll admit it, I've been putting off trying out MapPoint for quite some time but last week I had...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 08/01/2005

Adelaide OZ ADNUG/KAZ July 05 Code Camp/Code Fest/Skills Fest - A Rose By Any Name

It was this time last Saturday that we were getting fired up with the first of the session of the...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 07/29/2005

The Trick to Installing Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 on Windows Vista Beta 1 and the missing MSXML 6.0 Parser

Both Nick and I struck the same problem so I'm guessing that it may be a common issue for others...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 07/29/2005

Trick for SQL Server Mobile Projects and how to stop SQL Mobile from being redeployed all the time

Ok, so yeah I'm happy to accept that I might be the only one that took too long to figure this out...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 07/27/2005

Escape From Yesterworld - Fun/Silly

Ok, this is silly, but if it's cold and damp where you are and you are feeling a little under the...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 07/26/2005

Intercepting SMS Messages with Windows Mobile V5 and the Compact Framework V2

Check out for a working application...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 07/25/2005

Oz "Application Compatibility with .NET Framework 2.0" Tour in August

This is straight off Chuck's blog but in case you missed it then see the links below for more...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 07/12/2005

Guide to setting up the WSE 2 X.509 Test Certificates

Follow these steps and you'll be sorted.. Install Web Services Enhancements from here (for this...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 07/01/2005

Free PDF version of "Introducing Visual Basic 2005 for Developers" available on the VB 2005 Site

Ok, you might have spotted that I've been in catch up mode of late so there is a fair chance I'm the...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 07/01/2005

Project Atlas - that's AJAX to you so scrub up and look sharp:-)

In case you missed the blog entry on Scott's page then check out the Atlas Project; it makes for a...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 06/30/2005

RMIT Student Day and why you should get in to IT...

Hopefully you found the day interesting and you enjoyed my Windows Mobility session, hey and even...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 06/28/2005

Ouch, VS 2005 B2 Device Emulator is SLOW so here are some hints to make your mobile dev on VS2005 bearable again!!

Well I attended MEDC in Melbourne this week, a great event, there was lots to learn and if you made...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 06/22/2005

Please welcome dotnet Solutions to Adelaide (oz) and join us for Breakie Friday, June 24th

If you are based in Adelaide then you may be interested to know that dotnet Solutions are the new...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 06/22/2005

Implementing Security for Apps with VB.NET or C# Self Paced Training

Hey cool, see there is a new Self Paced Training Kit out for .NET - thanks PaulT (now at KAZ) for...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 06/01/2005

Fending off SQL Injection Attacks plus a nice SP to help you along the way

This topic comes up lots of recent and always surprises me that awareness levels are still quite...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 05/31/2005

The Power of the Mind, may be one day compilers will be like this!!

A bit of trivia for a Thursday afternoon!!I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 05/04/2005

SQL Server 2005 Integration Services and Report Builder April MSDN Q and A

If you have a question that you didn't get around to asking or thought of afterwards from the SQL...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 04/19/2005

SQL Server 2005 Integration Services and changes to the Foreach Container Task

Been a bit quiet on here as have been getting ready for our SQL Server April 05 MSDN Update across 6...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 04/13/2005

Virtual PC 2004 on Hyper-Threading Systems and an Intermittent Freezing or Pausing Issue

If you are running Virtual PC 2004 SP1 on a Hyper-Threaded system (though this is not a universal...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 03/29/2005

Visual Studio 2005 pricing announced and great webcast on Visual Studio 2005 Team System

If you are really not sure what all the fuss is with Team System then click here for a great webcast...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 03/24/2005

ADNUG March 22nd Lunch Time Session: "Custom .NET Assemblies for SQL Reporting Services" and "What's new in SQL 2005 for Developers"

Tuesdays March 22nd ADNUG Lunch Time Session. Start: 12pm for a bite to eat, sessions kick off at...

Author: Dave Glover Date: 03/21/2005

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