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Who the heck are you?

I’m Dominic, and I’m an SDE/T on the Enterprise Developer Tools team here at Microsoft, which is part of the bigger Visual Studio Team System product. Specifically within EDT, I work the quality tools team – we own the unit testing, manual testing, and general testing infrastructure. Within EDT there are also dynamic analysis and static analysis teams (Profiler, Prefix et al).


Day to day I own the testing of Test View, Manual Testing, Solution integration, Test Project and the Properties Window integration. Of all of those, Test View is the one that most people are gonna be using the most, but within all of those areas there is a lot of functionality. When I say solution integration I mean all that funky stuff that goes on under the hood inside VS to make our windows, and other bits seamlessly work.


I’m not sure what I’m gonna put on this blog yet – But I do know it’s doing to be almost entirely work related. I’ve got my own personal blog for non-work related things, and I like (or want to try) to keep my two lives separate :)


Anyway – if you want to chat about the product, leave comments, track back etc. If you feel like the need for a bit more interactive communication I’m on MSN as


We want your feedback!


PS Please be gentle – this is the first public showing of our stuff. It’s only a technical preview so the edges are a little rough & things maybe broken – they won’t stay that way because we’re gonna make these tools ROCK!
