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Manual Certificate Enrollment via FIM 2010 Certificate Management

This video demonstration shows how to use FIM 2010 Certificate Management to request and issue an SSL certificate. The solution shown in this demo is created to satisfy the following requirements:

  • SSL certificates must be approved by RA Manager.
  • Simplify the enrollment process and remove guessing from the subscriber.
  • Certificate Subject name must be in Geopolitical format, such as: cn=hostname, ou=devices, o=adatum, c=us
  • SubjectAltName extension must have actual name(s) for the URL the cert will be used for.
  • SubjectAltName must also include subscriber e-mail address.

This demonstration is also published on the following site:

Please watch this video in Full screen and in HD for higher quality and better user experience. Let me know if you have any questions.

If you would like to know how to build solution shown in this demonstration then stay tuned, because I’m going to show you in step-step video demonstration how to do just that.