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Pair doc writing

Pair doc writing

That's write folks! (haha) Just minutes ago I heard through the wall what I've come to recognize as "productivity in action" and I thought it might be valuable to capture and share with you. In this photograph we're witnessing a first hand account of a dev lead, Bob Brumfield (left), a product planner, Glenn Block (center), and a technical writer, Nelly Delgado (right) huddled around a monitor talking about the best way to structure the documentation on Prism. I love seeing this level of teamwork and common purpose.

But what I love about this picture is how it illustrates Nelly's complete mastery of her role as a tech writer (relaxed, in a director capacity, letting someone else do the manual stuff): getting the others to do some writing. Well, I guess she could be manifesting complete and utter frustration at Glenn's incessantly obstinate comportment ... nah. Go Team!