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SAP Enterprise Services Explorer for .NET (Visual Studio) does WCF


SAP just released a sneak preview of an add-in for Visual Studio 2005 that they call "SAP Enterprise Services Explorer for Microsoft .NET ".  It feels like a misnomer to me, because it's not for .NET, which is the name of the programming framework.  It's for Visual Studio, which is the name of the tool.  But lots of people use those names interchangeably, I take it.  So there you have it.

Based on my read, the tool allows a developer to query the SAP Service Registry, and then generate, for .NET applications, web services proxy classes, that enable .NET apps to connect to the services. There are some nifty query capabilities for accessing the service registry.  And, the generated proxy is a WCF client.  That's what I like to see.

Not sure if this also works in VS2008. 

here's the link:

Worth checking out!
