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Updated site for BizTalk Server

We've updated the BizTalk Server web site, it looks pretty nice. I think the 3D warped spiderman web graphic thingy is going to sell a lot of enterprise software! ;)

Seriously, though, the content is quite good. I think it's remarkable that we have so many customers – you can read about 'em there on the site. It's nice to be able to tout the Gartner Magic Quadrant recognition. For those who don't know, Gartner's an industry analyst and a couple weeks ago they updated their view of Microsoft as a provider of Enterprise Application Server technology. We were pleased with their analysis. The linked content off the BizTalk site is good too. I clicked on the link to the SOA Solution Center and even though that stuff has been up for a while now, I am still impressed with it - especially the overview of the various products and how they fit into the idea of SOA.

mmkay, enough navel-gazing. Back to work!