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Doug McBlog - Doug McCutcheons blog

A Microsoft enterprise partner focused blog for Office 365

Weekly Digest for Friday, July 26– Nearly 200 new members this week!

office365partners Weekly Digest for Friday, July 26 10 conversations have 28 new messages 199 new...

Date: 07/26/2013

Weekly Digest for Friday, July 19– WPC was great!

office365partners Weekly Digest for Friday, July 19 15 conversations have 49 new messages 212 new...

Date: 07/19/2013

Getting ready for WPC!

This weeks normal journal posting is taking a back seat to crafting a few Office 365 sessions for...

Date: 07/05/2013

Weekly Digest for Friday, June 28

office365partners Weekly Digest for Friday, June 28 12 conversations have 20 new messages 41 new...

Date: 06/28/2013

Weekly Digest for Friday, June 21

office365partners Weekly Digest for Friday, June 21 10 conversations have 15 new messages 20 new...

Date: 06/21/2013

For Office 365 Partners, join us on Yammer office365partners today

    office365partners Weekly Digest for Friday, June 14 12 conversations have 17 new...

Date: 06/14/2013

Looking forward to seeing you at the Ignite Plus tomorrow

  The rooms are set, the coffees is ready for brewing. Looking forward to meeting you, if you...

Date: 01/21/2013

New Year, New Challenges and an Invitation to see the future–Farewell Project , Hello Office 365 (which soon includes Project)

Firstly Happy New Year to those who celebrate off the Gregorian calendar. I am excited to be back on...

Date: 01/09/2013

Changes afoot

Hi there, Doug McBlog will be going quiet for a little as the author changes role. In the meantime ,...

Date: 10/05/2012

Project Online, Project Server 2013, the new Project TechEd Slides

Getting access to the new Project slides is in hot demand these days and voila! (see expect a lot...

Date: 10/04/2012

Project Server 2007 Mainstream Support Ends on October 9, 2012 UPGRADE TODAY!

Dear community, important reminder that the Project Server 2007 mainstream support ends in a few...

Date: 10/03/2012

Recent content about the new Project, Project Online, Project Professional, Project Server

Following recent webcasts, sessions and articles during the past month about The new Microsoft...

Date: 09/18/2012

Register to Project Ignite Training to Ready Yourselves to the new Microsoft Project!

As announced by my colleague Jan Kalis: Don’t miss the unique opportunity – register for the new...

Date: 09/06/2012

Visual Studio 2012 and Team Foundation Server 2012: Hello World!

As announced last week: Visual Studio 2012 released to the web! Start your download today of Visual...

Date: 08/22/2012

See you in Australia for Tech.Ed and Project Server 2013 Ignite training next September

I’m looking forward to see many of you next month at Tech.Ed Australia #auteched, September 11-14 on...

Date: 08/09/2012

Team Foundation Server 2012 and Project Server 2010 Integration

Following last week’s RTM announcements for Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012 I have been upgrading a...

Date: 08/08/2012

Hello World, Hello The new Microsoft Project

Following a week of staged announcements (and in case you missed it), we have disclosed the next...

Date: 07/23/2012

ANNOUNCING: Microsoft Project Server 2010 Burn & Forecast and Spend Report Solutions

I am pleased to announced the release of two Microsoft Project Server 2010 reporting solutions on...

Date: 05/21/2012

Microsoft Project Server 2010 Demo VM with SP1 and April 2012 CU

Now that Project Conference 2012 is behind, I’ve just deployed he recently released April 2012...

Date: 05/07/2012

Microsoft kicks off Project Conference 2012

Following an awesome Project Conference 2012 (#mspc12) first day yesterday in Phoenix, please visit...

Date: 03/21/2012

Hello Windows 8 Consumer Preview

Exciting day, a few links to get started: Microsoft Announces Availability of Windows 8 Consumer...

Date: 02/29/2012

More than 100 Reasons To Attend Microsoft Project Conference 2012

With less than a month away before the start of the Microsoft Project Conference 2012 (#MSPC12),...

Date: 02/20/2012

Microsoft Project Server 2010 and Dynamics CRM 2011 Integration

I have seen a few questions recently in the Microsoft Project Server Forum and other in other social...

Date: 02/14/2012

Upcoming Microsoft Project & Project Server Event Presence–March to July 2012

Happy new year! Yes I’m sure you are all actively making travel arrangements to attend Microsoft...

Date: 01/11/2012

Microsoft Project Server 2010 Demo VM with SP1 and December 2011 CU

Right before the holidays and following these two recent announcements from Jan Kalis: Project 2010...

Date: 01/05/2012

Microsoft Project Conference 2012: Free Instructor-Led Training Sessions, More Customer Sessions and the Wednesday Evening Event

  Free Instructor-Led Project 2010 Training Sessions for Conference Attendees We are excited to...

Date: 12/21/2011

10 Tasks For the 2011 Holidays

Dear readers I wish you all a restful and peaceful holiday break! Since it’s a quiet time of the...

Date: 12/16/2011

See you at the Microsoft Project Conference 2012!

  SEE, hear, and experience Microsoft Project 2010 with the people who have built, deployed and...

Date: 11/30/2011

How to plan your turkey dinner?

Yes you can thanks to Brian and Brian: Impress the family: Make Thanksgiving Day a success with...

Date: 11/22/2011

Microsoft Project Server 2010 and Multi-Tenancy

Following a session I delivered at SharePoint Conference 2011 in October, as well as few emails...

Date: 11/07/2011

New demo VM available for partners

Jan has been working hard and now the new Project / Project Server 2010 virtual machine demo...

Date: 11/04/2011

New Microsoft ALM case study: Revlon - IT Department of Global Cosmetics Company Cuts Time in Meetings by up to 30 Percent

Following the recent release of the Team Foundation Server 2010 and Project Server Integration...

Date: 11/01/2011

Hello Skype World!

I’m very excited about this announcement this morning: Microsoft Officially Welcomes Skype. I have a...

Date: 10/14/2011

Microsoft Project 2010 Connector for System Center Service Manager

Following this recent announcement last month from the System Center Service Manager team: New...

Date: 10/02/2011

Microsoft Contest: Build your Island

I love the creativity from France (yes I’m objective) with this new contest targeted a students. You...

Date: 09/15/2011

Exciting week: Developer Preview of Windows 8 & Visual Studio 11

What a week so far! Yes in case you have missed it, major announcements were made at the...

Date: 09/14/2011

Celebrating 10 years at Microsoft

Exactly 10 years ago I joined Microsoft on Monday September 3rd, 2001, in the French office outside...

Date: 09/03/2011

Free Microsoft Office 365 eBook and SAP & BizTalk white paper

Quick note to flag two important reading material we have just released. The first one is a free...

Date: 08/18/2011

PerformancePoint Services for Microsoft Project Server 2010 White Paper

I’m happy to announce the release of the following white paper PerformancePoint Services for Project...

Date: 08/16/2011

Attend the dedicated Project pre-event at SharePoint Conference 2011!

As announced by Jan last week, we will have a dedicated Project/Project Server pre-event ahead of...

Date: 08/08/2011


Project 2010 will have considerable presence at Worldwide Partner Conference (WPC) 2011. This year...

Date: 07/01/2011

Download Microsoft Project Server 2010 SP1 and June 2011 Cumulative Update

As announced yesterday on the main Project blog: Announcing The Release Of Service Pack 1 (SP1) for...

Date: 06/29/2011

Project Server 2010 Reporting with Excel Services & Creating Dashboards white papers

I’m thrilled to announce the release of the following two white papers which provide step by step...

Date: 06/24/2011
