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Build Win – Win Strategies with Microsoft – The Coaching Course to Attend – Microsoft Partner MS101

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“ .. attending this course gave me a material advantage” Quote from an established 10 year EPM Specialized Partner


I recommend to all EPM Specialized partners and any other partner engaged in the Microsoft Project business to attend the Microsoft Partner MS101 course.

The primary objective for Microsoft PARTNER MS101 is to enable and provide a jumpstart on your understanding of Microsoft, covering our strategies, products, customer marketing campaigns, sales priorities and field organization for our key enterprise partner alliance, marketing and sales contacts to decrease the time-to-opportunities & engagement and to drive wins and revenue for both our firms!!!


What is Microsoft Partner MS101?

Our primary objective for Microsoft PARTNER MS101 is to enable and provide a jumpstart on your understanding of Microsoft, covering our strategies, products, customer marketing campaigns, sales priorities and field organization for our key enterprise partner alliance, marketing and sales contacts to decrease the time-to-opportunities & engagement and to drive wins and revenue for both our firms!!!

This “jump start and update” will enable you to work more effectively and efficiently with Microsoft and will provide you with the information, understandings, learning’s and key contacts that could normally take you up to a year or more to acquire.  Also this provides existing alliances, marketing and sales personnel with an intense update on all the major areas of Microsoft required for you to continue being successful.

Comments from Partners Who Attended Previous Microsoft Partner MS101 Conferences:

· “Microsoft Partner MS101 is an amazing opportunity for any company that needs to align itself with Microsoft.  Don’t come to Redmond to engage until you know how to engage.  MS Partner MS101 can catalyze the thought process about how to truly align.”

· “Without question, the industry’s strongest partner training event.”

· “Exceeded my expectations!  I learned in 3.5 days what would take years.”

· “MS101 is grueling but essential for any partner who is serious about partnering with Microsoft.”

· “I would strongly recommend all members of my organization involved in partnering MS to attend MS101.”

· “Couldn’t do my job as an alliance manager without the key and updated information that you get at MS101.”


· In-depth orientation and briefing on Microsoft and how best engage effectively and efficiently driving the alliance throughout your firm and increasing your Microsoft-based opportunities and revenue

· Provide the key information, tools and contacts at Microsoft to successfully plan, execute and manage a successful alliance with Microsoft

· Understand both the sales and marketing organizations at both corporate and the field

· Understand Microsoft’s Customer Campaigns and sales priorities for FY09 including specific metrics at various levels in the Microsoft organization

· Understand the Microsoft culture and review best practices on how partners have been successful in accomplishing their partnership goals with Microsoft

Partner Requirements to Attend Microsoft PARTNER MS101

· You must be a managed Microsoft Enterprise Partner, with an identified Microsoft Partner Account Manager (PAM) or Business Development Manager (BDM).

· Your company primary customer market is the Enterprise Segment.

· You may attend as a Microsoft employee if you are a PAM or BDM managing a Partner


Go to the web site to learn more. Registration pass code MS101.


By the way Gary Dickinson is a great host.