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Hyper-V - Hooray!

I am sure that this has been blogged about at least a trillion times, so I am going to make it a trillion and 1.

I have been running Windows Server 2008 64bit Enterprise Edition RTM on my company laptop (a 64bit dual core with 4GB of RAM) for about a week now and I think that it is fantastic; my single most favourite feature is without a doubt, Hyper-V.  I have had been a long time user/fan of Virtual Server 2005 so I was looking forward to switching over to Hyper-V to see what it was like; well, it is worth the change!  It has all the features that I need from VS2005 plus plenty more, and best of all, it does not seem to drag down the overall performance of my machine too much when I have a couple of VM's running at once, like VS2005 used to.

But, what do I miss from VS2005?  Well, erm, nothing!  The only negative point about Hyper-V is that I won't like going back to using VS2005 when I am working with a Windows Server 2003 in a client office.  I will not be going back to Windows Vista on my laptop though because the advantages of having Hyper-V are just too great.


Just in case anyone has not seen the Hyper-V console window, here is a screenshot of it along with a view of the configuration settings for a VM.  Not too much to see really, but then there is not too much that I need to configure!

image image


Also, here is an interesting article about the increasing frequency with which VMWare are releasing patches for ESX Server.  Now, before anyone tries to flame me then try to shot holes in Hyper-V, me or anything else; read the next sentence.  I am not commenting on the article whatsoever other than saying that it is interesting.   So please, no more Micro $ oft comments or emails as it gets rather boring.


  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2008
    Up until now we haven't utilized VMs in our organization but we're excited to start doing that in a couple weeks.  We're hoping the new Hyper-V will make our small IT staff more efficient.