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Restarting the Microsoft File Transfer Manager

Unless you have been hiding under a rock this week you’ll no doubt be aware that the beta versions of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 both were released on TechNet and MSDN.  If you’ve tried downloading them as well then you’ll know that they will take a while as each one requires a download of about 2.8 Gb.

As I am using a rather slow network connection to download them, it is going to take a while to get them both and will also mean that my computer will be switched off and on a couple of times before they finish.  So, how do you continue the downloads without having to go back to the TechNet/MSDN page each time?  Easy, just open the options on the Microsoft File Transfer Manager application (the one that you can see in the image below) and tick the “Place application shortcut on the desktop” option that is on the “General” tab.  This will place an icon on your desktop that allows you to run the download manager application directly whenever you want.  You can then move this icon into your Start Menu or Quick Launch bar for instant access.



Another option is to copy the file “C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files\TransferMgr.exe” to a different location via the command prompt, and then launch this .exe file.