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Ten 2010 Services Videos

Ten talks of interest for web service developers from the recent TechDays 2010 and DevDays 2010 conferences. I've pulled out the videos on WCF, WCF service development, and web service development with Silverlight that you might be interested in.

What's New in WCF4

Learn about new features in WCF4, such as configuration-less services, service discovery, routing, REST-support, declarative services and others.

This session will discuss this out-of-the-box functionality and dive into the details about building Silverlight Applications. Silverlight will be used to build RIA's to visualize SharePoint data in an attractive way, both inside the existing SharePoint UI as running as an application out-of-the-browser.

What's new in WCF 4

WCF 4 brings with it simplification of service configuration and improvements to the discovery and monitoring of services. See how these improvements along with the new routing service can address scenarios such as versioning, application routing, and other common requirements that benefit from more decoupling between the client and service. In addition, we will discuss the improvise to the REST (web) programming model and workflow services.

Windows Server Appfabric Hosting and Caching

In this session, Ingo Rammer gives you an overview of Windows AppFabric - the new application server extension from Microsoft. You will learn how to develop, deploy and control WCF and WF applications running on this platform (formerly known as "Dublin") so that you can rely on existing infrastructure to host your server-side logic. In addition to hosting, Ingo will show you how you can take advantage of distributed caching (formerly codenamed "Velocity") to scale your web applications to new levels.

Windows Identity Foundation Overview

Hear how Windows Identity Foundation makes advanced identity capabilities and open standards first class citizens in the Microsoft .NET Framework. Learn how the Claims Based access model integrates seamlessly with the traditional .NET identity object model while also giving developers complete control over every aspect of authentication, authorization, and identity-driven application behavior. See examples of the point and click tooling with tight Microsoft Visual Studio integration, advanced STS capabilities, and much more that Windows Identity Foundation consistently provides across on-premise, service-based, ASP.NET and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications.

WCF Data Services Beyond the Basics

This sessions covers how to leverage the latest WCF Data Services in .NET 4.0 to build a hosted and distributed data services which integrate a heterogeneous set of data sources. The content of this session is derived from a real world incubation project which is built on top of WCF data services, leveraging query interception, re-writing and re-routing, claim based security integration using WIF and custom meta data providers to deal with change schemas under the covers.

Entity Framework / Data Services in .NET 4.0

Data programming in .NET 4 has undergone a great deal of work based on customer feedback. This session will cover the improvements made to Entity Framework (EF) to make your data layer more testable, the use of POCO objects and T4 templates for customization of the entities, and more. In addition, we will cover the improvements to the Data Services programming model including updated support for databinding, query projection, and custom data providers.

Building business data-driven applications FAST with WCF RIA Services and Silverlight

WCF RIA Services is a new framework allowing you to get easy access to your data in Silverlight 4 applications. While still in beta, this new framework has already caused quite a stir in the community. In this session, we'll take a look at the framework and its features such as validation, authentication, sorting of data, data binding etc. While we'll use slides, demos make up the larger part of this presentation!

What's new in Silverlight 4 Part 1

In this session we'll take a demo-based approach to exploring the top new features that come with Silverlight 4. We'll take a look at the capabilities that combine to make Silverlight great for business applications with key features like printing, copy-paste, clip-board access and the possibility to relax the security sandbox for out-of-browser applications in order to better integrate with the software stack on the local machine. We'll also take a look at the other core capabilities like webcam and microphone integration, greatly improved data-binding, Visual Studio 2010 support and a lot more. Come along and get a picture of what Silverlight 4 provides as a platform for Rich Internet Applications in 2010.

What's new in Silverlight 4: Part 2

In this session we'll take a demo-based approach to exploring the top new features that come with Silverlight 4. We'll take a look at the capabilities that combine to make Silverlight great for business applications with key features like printing, copy-paste, clip-board access and the possibility to relax the security sandbox for out-of-browser applications in order to better integrate with the software stack on the local machine. We'll also take a look at the other core capabilities like webcam and microphone integration, greatly improved data-binding, Visual Studio 2010 support and a lot more. Come along and get a picture of what Silverlight 4 provides as a platform for Rich Internet Applications in 2010.

Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) through Silverlight

Extensibility is a key design point for many applications such as the Microsoft Office applications with their plug-in model for extensibility. Silverlight 4 ships with a new framework, the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), which provides a flexible way of building extensibility into your applications with capabilities for discovering and composing extensions at run-time in a dynamic and loosely-coupled way. In this demo-based session we'll take a tour around MEF and look at its capabilities for building extensibility into your applications and also how it can be used in implementing the Model->View->ViewModel (MVVM) pattern in Silverlight applications.