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Next F# London Meetup: July 28

The next meetup of the F#unctional London Meetup Group will be held on July 28, with Zach Bray talking on Agile Acceptance Testing with F#

Using the example of a recent project that successfully added new implied price functionality to a Broker Trading System, this talk will take you through how you can automate your Agile Acceptance Tests. Along the way we will look at the benefits of this approach, contrasting a number of Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) frameworks and show the areas where F# can make implementation easier for you.

I made it down to the last meetup (video & slides here), where Tomas Petricek gave a really excellent talk on reactive programming with F#. It was great, and I learnt a few things (seeing Expression Blend in action with F#, and a very nice implementation of traffic lights). I estimate there were 50 attendees, not bad for a day when England was playing in the World Cup (the meetup website shows 34, but “skillsmatter” registers people independently).

The session adjourned to a nearby pub (suitably named “The Slaughtered Lamb” as we watched Australia make an exit from the World Cup :-) ).