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Downloading formulas to Excel - Feedback and Hotfix

We've gotten a lot of great feedback about the new feature added in CU10 to include TOT row formulas when downloading reports to Microsoft Excel. Along with that feedback, a couple of issues were also found. We've released a hotfix that addresses the problems people were seeing when downloading reports with formulas. You can download the hotfix here.

As most of you know, we use Microsoft Connect to track suggestions that are important to customers. Many customers have asked when column formulas will be added to Management Reporter since TOT row formulas are now available. To track these requests, two new suggestions have been entered, one for CAL rows formulas and one for CALC column formulas. Please use these suggestions moving forward to help us prioritize these features for future releases of Management Reporter.

Thanks again for all of the great feedback! It's awesome to see so many people installing CU10 so quickly!