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Management Reporter CU13 Hotfix Now Available

An issue was discovered with Management Reporter CU13 related to how reporting trees displayed in the web viewer. The scrollbar in the reporting tree window doesn't display when the reporting tree button selected after CU13 is applied. With this hotfix, the scroll will now display.


Issue ID



Web Viewer missing scroll bar for tree units with CU13


You can download the hotfix from CustomerSource.


**UPDATED 8/25/2015**

The hotfix is a zip a file with two patch files in it. This patch gets applied to the server only. The client doesn't need to be updated. If you downloaded the hotfix and it was an exe file, please download the hot fix again from the location above.


Version history

Management Reporter CU13 - 2.12.13001.13 

Management Reporter CU13 Hotfix 3660417 - 2.12.13001.16