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How to set up notifications in Connector

With Connector, our goal is for you to "set it and forget it," meaning that once you've configured your integration between Dynamics CRM and your Dynamics ERP, it just works and you don't need to worry about.

But, let's face it, there may be a time here and there when something goes awry - maybe permissions changed on the data, or changes that are invalid in the Dynamics ERP are trying to be made via Connector. In these cases, it helps if you've set up a Connector notification to alert you.

There are three levels of exceptions that you can configure in Connector:

  • System-level exceptions -might occur when you have insufficient rights to complete a task that you attempt. Example: "User is not authorized to perform the request operations in GP Web Services."
  • Business logic exceptions -might occur when the business logic within a Microsoft Dynamics application prevents Connector from completing a task. Example: "The Customer cannot be set to Inactive, because Customer Aaron Fitz has posted or unposted transactions."
  • Unrecognized exceptions - something that the Connector doesn't recognize.

How to set up exception notifications in Connector

1. In the left pane of the main window, click Settings.

2. Expand the Exception Notifications area on the Settings page.

3. Select one of the following:


Don't send - Select this option if you don't want to send notifications for this exception type. If you select this option, the other options aren't available.

Send immediately - Select this option to immediately send a notification when each exception occurs.

Send a daily summary - Select this option to send one e-mail per day listing each exception that occurred during the day.

Send a weekly summary - Select this option to send one e-mail each week listing each exception that occurred during the week.


4. In the SMTP Server field, enter the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Server name or IP address of the host that is used to send the notification E-mails. Typically, your email administrator can provide the SMTP Server Name.

5. In the Port field, enter the port number on the SMTP Server that is used for SMTP transactions. Check with your email administrator to obtain the port number.

6. In the From field, enter the e-mail address to send notifications from.

7. In the To field, enter the e-mail addresses to send notifications to. If you want to notify more than one person, just separate multiple e-mail addresses with a comma.