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Refresh now available for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Instance Adapter

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Instance Adapter has been refreshed to include a number of updates that will allow for even more entities to be synced between Microsoft Dynamics CRM instances than before. 

These entities include:

  • Products
  • Invoices
  • Orders
  • Quotes
  • Territories
  • Currencies
  • Facilities / Equipment
  • Units
  • Unit Groups
  • Opportunities and Opportunity Products
  • Activities 

While previously supported, some users did experience issues when attempting to sync these entities; those issues should be resolved now.  You can simply re-download the .zip archive and select to replace your existing files to get this update when extracting the new archive to the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics installation directory.  It should also be noted that the following entity dependencies are not enforced by the adapter so you will have to follow the proper order when running the initial sync between Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 instances.

More information on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Instance Adapter can be found in this post: