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Microsoft Dynamics Operations Hour: Year-End Close Info and Credit & Collections - June 4

Join us for the Microsoft Dynamics Hour, a monthly live meeting event that will focus on one or two key operational topics or trainings, in-depth, each month. Executive Sponsorship presents partners with the opportunity to hear a monthly "State of the Business" update in the first part of each program from a senior member of the Microsoft Dynamics Operations Team.

In June, James O’Connor the General Manager of MBS Worldwide Operations will join the Dynamics Hour as the executive sponsor to share a state of the business focused on the Fiscal Year-end. Then Senior Credit Manger, Ronan Fenton will explain the new credit terms and how to best handle credits on your account. Finally, Operations Account Manager, John Bergman will walk you through strategy and tips to help make placing your year-end orders as easy as possible.

Register today for this session! The web seminar takes place at 9:00am Pacific on Thursday, June 4.
