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CRM 2011 Dashboards in Sharepoint Site


In order to have your CRM 2011 Dashboards in a Sharepoint site within your intranet, you can follow these steps:

In your Sharepoint System, create a new Sharepoint page within an existing site and add an I-frame with the reference to the CRM organization, as in the following example:


(replace SERVERNAME and ORGNAME by the corresponding ones)

Save the page and load it.

With this option, You’ll have something like the CRM central dashboard home, where you’ll have a chance to select the other existing ones from the actual Sharepoint .

You’ll also have the change to load a single dashboard directly if you use the base URL as: https://SERVERNAME/ORGNAME/Dashboards/Dashboard.aspx?dashboardid=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Here you have to replace the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX by the actual Dashboard ID that you can get by right clicking here the Dashboard name from the Dashboards Menu and selecting "Copy a Link" option, as shown below:


Gonçalo Antunes