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CRM 2011 Fails to Load

Users could experience a loading failure of CRM 2011 Online or On-Premise in combination with CRM Client for Outlook. Clicking on any entity in the navigation on the left side will work and display the corresponding data records, but for some entities the display of records will fail, and instead you will receive an error of:

“Crm failed to Load”

The same entity is displayed within your web browser without any problems.


This problem can have several different causes. The below resolutions show you a step by step process to verify which of the multiple solutions apply.

Google Chrome browser exists

Uninstall Google Chrome browser.

1. Uninstall Google Chrome from "Uninstall or change a program"
2. Follow link below to remove remnants of Chrome uninstall
3. Uninstall Microsoft Dynamics CRM Client for Outlook
4. Uninstall and reinstall Office
7. Re-install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Client for Outlook
8. Configure Microsoft Dynamics CRM Client for Outlook

Compatibility mode is set for Outlook

Ensure that compatibility mode is not set for Outlook.

1. Right click on Outlook.exe and choose properties
(This file is by default located at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\<Office 12 or 14>\Outlook.exe)
2. Click on the compatibility tab
3. Make sure no check box is checked

Needed CRM privileges do not exist

Ensure the CRM user has the needed privileges.

Check the privileges under the core records tab of the CRM user role. Make sure that affected user has privilege “UserEntityInstanceData” and “User Entity UI Settings” at least on user level.

Two different Outlook versions are installed

Ensure only one Outlook version is installed in parallel.

If you have installed two different Outlook versions in parallel (e.g. Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2007), uninstall both versions in reverse order and re-install only one of them.

Advanced find view contains deleted attributes

Ensure deleted attributes be removed from all views.

Review all advanced find views for the affected entities. If you encounter a yellow exclamation mark (!) , this will indicate attributes that no longer exist. Remove each column with a yellow exclamation mark and save the view afterwards.


Torsten Holthöfer