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Fun with Anonymous Types and LINQ to XML

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(August 2, 2008: This post uses the wrong approach.  I've written a new post that shows the way to accomplish the same thing in the functional style.) 

You can, of course, use C# anonymous types to create types that are more than simple tuples. For example, you can nest anonymous types to create an object graph:

var PurchaseOrder = new {
PurchaseOrderNumber = "99503",
OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("1999-10-20"),
Addresses = new [] {
new {
AddressType = "Shipping",
Name = "Alice Smith",
Street = "123 Maple Street",
City = "Mill Valley",
State = "CA",
Zip = "90952",
Country = "USA"
new {
AddressType = "Billing",
Name = "Robert Smith",
Street = "8 Oak Avenue",
City = "Old Town",
State = "PA",
Zip = "95819",
Country = "USA",
Comment = "Hurry, my lawn is going wild",
Items = new [] {
new {
PartNumber = "872-AA",
ProductName = "Lawnmower",
Quantity = 1,
USPrice = 148.95,
Comment = "Confirm this is electric",
ShipDate = DateTime.MinValue
new {
PartNumber = "926-AA",
ProductName = "Baby Monitor",
Quantity = 2,
USPrice = 39.98,
Comment = (string)null,
ShipDate = DateTime.Parse("1999-05-21")

This also has applicability with LINQ to XML. For example, you can use a small method that uses reflection to populate an XML tree. The following looks for public properties in the type and iterates over them, creating XElement objects. If a property implements the IEnumerable interface, then the method uses recursion to iterate over the children of the property.

static void ObjectGraphToXElement(XElement parent, object o) {
MemberInfo[] members =
o.GetType().GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public |
foreach (MemberInfo m in members) {
PropertyInfo p = m as PropertyInfo;
if (p != null) {
Type t = p.PropertyType;
object val = p.GetValue(o, null);
if (val != null) {
if (t.IsValueType || t == typeof(string))
parent.Add(new XElement(m.Name, val));
else {
XElement newParent = new XElement(m.Name);
foreach (var v in (val as IEnumerable))
ObjectGraphToXElement(newParent, v);

The following code uses ObjectGraphToXElement to create an XML tree:

XElement po = new XElement("PurchaseOrder");
ObjectGraphToXElement(po, PurchaseOrder);

When run, it produces the following output:

<Name>Alice Smith</Name>
<Street>123 Maple Street</Street>
<City>Mill Valley</City>
<Name>Robert Smith</Name>
<Street>8 Oak Avenue</Street>
<City>Old Town</City>
<Comment>Hurry, my lawn is going wild</Comment>
<Comment>Confirm this is electric</Comment>
<ProductName>Baby Monitor</ProductName>

Pretty cool, eh?
