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The Game is afoot...Made in Express Contest is down to the final 12

Twelve Finalists Announced in $10,000 Made in Express Contest

What do an all terrain self-maneuverable robot, an instant IM translator, and a curmudgeon chat bot all have in common? Answer – they are all being built by finalists in the Made In Express Contest. Twelve finalists from seven countries are hard at work building their projects and competing for the $10,000 grand prize. 

The real fun of the contest is that you get to actively participate. Follow along as the finalists blog their plans, post their code, and discuss the trials and tribulations of building their projects. And at the end, you get to vote on the $1,000 Community Choice award! Check out the projects and subscribe to the RSS feed to start tracking the fun at

Update: Removed the flair as it was screwing up the HTML...