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Exchange Demos with PowerShell - Finding Things

Continuing on from the previous post, in the third part of the demo I talk about using help and "finding things" in PowerShell. as well as introducing the concept of Exchange identity and filters (both traditional PowerShell client-side and Exchange's own server-side filters):

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-help *queue*

Name Category Synopsis
---- -------- --------
Get-Queue Cmdlet Use the Get-Queue cmdl...
Suspend-Queue Cmdlet Use the Suspend-Queue ...
Resume-Queue Cmdlet Use the Resume-Queue c...
Retry-Queue Cmdlet Use the Retry-Queue cm...

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>*-queue
The term '*' is not recognized as a cmdlet, function, operable program, or scri
pt file. Verify the term and try again.
At line:1 char:2
+ *- <<<< queue
[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>Get-Queue ## <- I hit tab on "*-queue"

Identity DeliveryType Status MessageCount NextHopDomain
-------- ------------ ------ ------------ -------------
e12\Submission Undefined Sus... 7 Submission

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-help -component *queuing*

Name Category Synopsis
---- -------- --------
Get-Message Cmdlet Use the Get-Message cm...
Export-Message Cmdlet Use the Export-Message...
Suspend-Message Cmdlet Use the Suspend-Messag...
Resume-Message Cmdlet Use the Resume-Message...
Remove-Message Cmdlet Use the Remove-Message...
Get-Queue Cmdlet Use the Get-Queue cmdl...
Suspend-Queue Cmdlet Use the Suspend-Queue ...
Resume-Queue Cmdlet Use the Resume-Queue c...
Retry-Queue Cmdlet Use the Retry-Queue cm...

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-help suspend-queue

Use the Suspend-Queue cmdlet to stop outbound activities for a queue on a c
omputer that has the Hub Transport server role or the Edge Transport server
role installed.
Suspend-Queue -Identity <QueueIdentity> [<CommonParameters>]
Suspend-Queue -Filter <String> [-Server <ServerIdParameter>] [<CommonParame
The Suspend-Queue cmdlet stops outbound activities on a queue that has a st
atus of Active or Retry. Messages that are in delivery through SMTP-send wi
ll finish operations. No additional messages will leave the queue. If you s
pecify an Identity parameter, the queue will be suspended if the identity m
atches only a single queue. If the identity matches more than one queue, yo
u will receive an error. To suspend more than one queue in a single operati
on, you must use a filter.
You must use an Identity parameter or a Filter parameter. The Identity and
Filter parameter sets are mutually exclusive. You can suspend a queue on a
remote server by including the server name as part of the Identity paramete
r or by using the Server parameter with a filter query. If you do not speci
fy a server, the command runs against only the local server.
To run the Suspend-Queue cmdlet on a computer that has the Hub Transport se
rver role installed, you must log on by using a domain account that has the
permissions assigned to the Exchange Server Administrators group. The acco
unt must also be a member of the local Administrators group on that compute
To run the Suspend-Queue cmdlet on a computer that has the Edge Transport s
erver role installed, you must log on by using an account that is a member
of the local Administrators group on that computer.


For more information, type: "get-help Suspend-Queue -detailed".
For technical information, type: "get-help Suspend-Queue -full".

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>resume-queue -?

Use the Resume-Queue cmdlet to restart outbound activities for a suspended
queue on a computer that has the Hub Transport server role or the Edge Tran
sport server role installed.
Resume-Queue -Identity <QueueIdentity> [<CommonParameters>]
Resume-Queue -Filter <String> [-Server <ServerIdParameter>] [<CommonParamet
The Resume-Queue cmdlet restarts outbound activities on a queue that has a
status of Suspended. If you specify an Identity parameter, the queue will b
e resumed if that identity matches only a single queue. If the identity mat
ches more than one queue, you will receive an error. To resume more than on
e queue in a single operation, you must use a filter. You must use an Ident
ity parameter or a Filter parameter. The Identity parameter and Filter para
meter sets are mutually exclusive. You can resume a queue on a remote serve
r by including the server name as part of the Identity parameter, or by usi
ng the Server parameter with a filter query. If you do not specify a server
, the command is run against only the local server.
To run the Resume-Queue cmdlet on a computer that has the Hub Transport ser
ver role installed, you must log on by using a domain account that has the
permissions assigned to the Exchange Server Administrators group. The accou
nt must also be a member of the local Administrators group on that computer
To run the Resume-Queue cmdlet on a computer that has the Edge Transport se
rver role installed, you must log on by using an account that is a member o
f the local Administrators group on that computer.


For more information, type: "get-help Resume-Queue -detailed".
For technical information, type: "get-help Resume-Queue -full".

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-queue | get-member

TypeName: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.QueueViewer.QueueInfo

Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
ConvertDatesToLocalTime Method System.Void ConvertDatesToLocalTime()
ConvertDatesToUniversalTime Method System.Void ConvertDatesToUniversalTi...
CopyChangesFrom Method System.Void CopyChangesFrom(IConfigur...
Equals Method System.Boolean Equals(Object obj)
GetHashCode Method System.Int32 GetHashCode()
GetType Method System.Type GetType()
get_DeliveryType Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.DeliveryType ...
get_Identity Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ObjectId get_...
get_IsValid Method System.Boolean get_IsValid()
get_LastError Method System.String get_LastError()
get_LastRetryTime Method System.Nullable`1[[System.DateTime, m...
get_MessageCount Method System.Int32 get_MessageCount()
get_NextHopConnector Method System.Guid get_NextHopConnector()
get_NextHopDomain Method System.String get_NextHopDomain()
get_NextRetryTime Method System.Nullable`1[[System.DateTime, m...
get_ObjectState Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ObjectState g...
get_Status Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.QueueViewer.Q...
IsDeliveryQueue Method System.Boolean IsDeliveryQueue()
IsPoisonQueue Method System.Boolean IsPoisonQueue()
IsSubmissionQueue Method System.Boolean IsSubmissionQueue()
ResetChangeTracking Method System.Void ResetChangeTracking()
ToString Method System.String ToString()
Validate Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ValidationErr...
DeliveryType Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.DeliveryType ...
Identity Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ObjectId Iden...
IsValid Property System.Boolean IsValid {get;}
LastError Property System.String LastError {get;}
LastRetryTime Property System.Nullable`1[[System.DateTime, m...
MessageCount Property System.Int32 MessageCount {get;}
NextHopConnector Property System.Guid NextHopConnector {get;}
NextHopDomain Property System.String NextHopDomain {get;}
NextRetryTime Property System.Nullable`1[[System.DateTime, m...
ObjectState Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ObjectState O...
Status Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.QueueViewer.Q...

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>$dl

Name DisplayName GroupType PrimarySmtpAddress
---- ----------- --------- ------------------
HomeLandComission HomeLandComission Universal HomeLandComissio...

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>$dl | fl

GroupType : Universal
SamAccountName : HomeLandComission
ExpansionServer :
ReportToManagerEnabled : False
ReportToOriginatorEnabled : True
SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled : False
ManagedBy :
AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers : {}
AddressListMembership : {Default Global Address List, All Groups}
Alias : HomeLandComission
OrganizationalUnit : e12dom.local/Congress
CustomAttribute1 :
CustomAttribute10 :
CustomAttribute11 :
CustomAttribute12 :
CustomAttribute13 :
CustomAttribute14 :
CustomAttribute15 :
CustomAttribute2 :
CustomAttribute3 :
CustomAttribute4 :
CustomAttribute5 :
CustomAttribute6 :
CustomAttribute7 :
CustomAttribute8 :
CustomAttribute9 :
DisplayName : HomeLandComission
EmailAddresses : {}
GrantSendOnBehalfTo : {}
HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled : False
LegacyExchangeDN : /o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administ
rative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipien
MaxSendSize : unlimited
MaxReceiveSize : unlimited
PoliciesIncluded : {{B491E897-701A-4577-AC00-A3244FAC7BA2},{2
PoliciesExcluded : {}
EmailAddressPolicyEnabled : True
PrimarySmtpAddress :
RecipientType : MailUniversalDistributionGroup
RecipientTypeDetails : MailUniversalDistributionGroup
RejectMessagesFrom : {}
RejectMessagesFromDLMembers : {}
RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled : True
SimpleDisplayName :
UMDtmfMap : {}
WindowsEmailAddress :
IsValid : True
OriginatingServer : e12.e12dom.local
ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name : HomeLandComission
DistinguishedName : CN=HomeLandComission,OU=Congress,DC=e12dom
Identity : e12dom.local/Congress/HomeLandComission
Guid : 501492ee-246c-410d-a965-a22f9b1db504
ObjectCategory : e12dom.local/Configuration/Schema/Group
ObjectClass : {top, group}
WhenChanged : 2/7/2007 8:01:08 AM
WhenCreated : 2/7/2007 8:00:41 AM

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>$dl | gm

TypeName: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management.DistributionGroup

Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Clone Method System.Object Clone(), Sys...
Equals Method System.Boolean Equals(Obje...
GetHashCode Method System.Int32 GetHashCode()
GetType Method System.Type GetType()
get_AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
get_AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
get_AddressListMembership Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
get_Alias Method System.String get_Alias()
get_CustomAttribute1 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute10 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute11 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute12 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute13 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute14 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute15 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute2 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute3 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute4 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute5 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute6 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute7 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute8 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_CustomAttribute9 Method System.String get_CustomAt...
get_DisplayName Method System.String get_DisplayN...
get_DistinguishedName Method System.String get_Distingu...
get_EmailAddresses Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Pr...
get_EmailAddressPolicyEnabled Method System.Boolean get_EmailAd...
get_ExchangeVersion Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Ex...
get_ExpansionServer Method System.String get_Expansio...
get_GrantSendOnBehalfTo Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
get_GroupType Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Di...
get_Guid Method System.Guid get_Guid()
get_HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled Method System.Boolean get_HiddenF...
get_Identity Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Ob...
get_IsValid Method System.Boolean get_IsValid()
get_LegacyExchangeDN Method System.String get_LegacyEx...
get_ManagedBy Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Di...
get_MaxReceiveSize Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Un...
get_MaxSendSize Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Un...
get_Name Method System.String get_Name()
get_ObjectCategory Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Di...
get_ObjectClass Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
get_OrganizationalUnit Method System.String get_Organiza...
get_OriginatingServer Method System.String get_Originat...
get_PoliciesExcluded Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
get_PoliciesIncluded Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
get_PrimarySmtpAddress Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Sm...
get_RecipientType Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Di...
get_RecipientTypeDetails Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Di...
get_RejectMessagesFrom Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
get_RejectMessagesFromDLMembers Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
get_ReportToManagerEnabled Method System.Boolean get_ReportT...
get_ReportToOriginatorEnabled Method System.Boolean get_ReportT...
get_RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled Method System.Boolean get_Require...
get_SamAccountName Method System.String get_SamAccou...
get_SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled Method System.Boolean get_SendOof...
get_SimpleDisplayName Method System.String get_SimpleDi...
get_UMDtmfMap Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
get_WhenChanged Method System.Nullable`1[[System....
get_WhenCreated Method System.Nullable`1[[System....
get_WindowsEmailAddress Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Sm...
set_AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom Method System.Void set_AcceptMess...
set_AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers Method System.Void set_AcceptMess...
set_Alias Method System.Void set_Alias(Stri...
set_CustomAttribute1 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute10 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute11 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute12 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute13 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute14 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute15 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute2 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute3 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute4 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute5 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute6 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute7 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute8 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_CustomAttribute9 Method System.Void set_CustomAttr...
set_DisplayName Method System.Void set_DisplayNam...
set_EmailAddresses Method System.Void set_EmailAddre...
set_EmailAddressPolicyEnabled Method System.Void set_EmailAddre...
set_ExpansionServer Method System.Void set_ExpansionS...
set_GrantSendOnBehalfTo Method System.Void set_GrantSendO...
set_HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled Method System.Void set_HiddenFrom...
set_ManagedBy Method System.Void set_ManagedBy(...
set_MaxReceiveSize Method System.Void set_MaxReceive...
set_MaxSendSize Method System.Void set_MaxSendSiz...
set_Name Method System.Void set_Name(Strin...
set_PrimarySmtpAddress Method System.Void set_PrimarySmt...
set_RejectMessagesFrom Method System.Void set_RejectMess...
set_RejectMessagesFromDLMembers Method System.Void set_RejectMess...
set_ReportToManagerEnabled Method System.Void set_ReportToMa...
set_ReportToOriginatorEnabled Method System.Void set_ReportToOr...
set_RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled Method System.Void set_RequireSen...
set_SamAccountName Method System.Void set_SamAccount...
set_SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled Method System.Void set_SendOofMes...
set_SimpleDisplayName Method System.Void set_SimpleDisp...
set_UMDtmfMap Method System.Void set_UMDtmfMap(...
set_WindowsEmailAddress Method System.Void set_WindowsEma...
ToString Method System.String ToString()
Validate Method Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Va...
AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
AddressListMembership Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
Alias Property System.String Alias {get;s...
CustomAttribute1 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute10 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute11 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute12 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute13 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute14 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute15 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute2 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute3 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute4 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute5 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute6 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute7 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute8 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
CustomAttribute9 Property System.String CustomAttrib...
DisplayName Property System.String DisplayName ...
DistinguishedName Property System.String Distinguishe...
EmailAddresses Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Pr...
EmailAddressPolicyEnabled Property System.Boolean EmailAddres...
ExchangeVersion Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Ex...
ExpansionServer Property System.String ExpansionSer...
GrantSendOnBehalfTo Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
GroupType Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Di...
Guid Property System.Guid Guid {get;}
HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled Property System.Boolean HiddenFromA...
Identity Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Ob...
IsValid Property System.Boolean IsValid {get;}
LegacyExchangeDN Property System.String LegacyExchan...
ManagedBy Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Di...
MaxReceiveSize Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Un...
MaxSendSize Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Un...
Name Property System.String Name {get;set;}
ObjectCategory Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Di...
ObjectClass Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
OrganizationalUnit Property System.String Organization...
OriginatingServer Property System.String OriginatingS...
PoliciesExcluded Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
PoliciesIncluded Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
PrimarySmtpAddress Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Sm...
RecipientType Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Di...
RecipientTypeDetails Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Di...
RejectMessagesFrom Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
RejectMessagesFromDLMembers Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
ReportToManagerEnabled Property System.Boolean ReportToMan...
ReportToOriginatorEnabled Property System.Boolean ReportToOri...
RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled Property System.Boolean RequireSend...
SamAccountName Property System.String SamAccountNa...
SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled Property System.Boolean SendOofMess...
SimpleDisplayName Property System.String SimpleDispla...
UMDtmfMap Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mu...
WhenChanged Property System.Nullable`1[[System....
WhenCreated Property System.Nullable`1[[System....
WindowsEmailAddress Property Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Sm...

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-mailbox johnkerry

Name Alias ServerName ProhibitSendQuota
---- ----- ---------- ---------------
John Kerry JohnKerry e12 2100MB

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-mailbox

Name Alias ServerName ProhibitSendQuota
---- ----- ---------- ---------------
John Kerry JohnKerry e12 2100MB

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-mailbox e12dom\johnkerry

Name Alias ServerName ProhibitSendQuota
---- ----- ---------- ---------------
John Kerry JohnKerry e12 2100MB

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>$mbx = get-mailbox johnkerry
[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>$a = $mbx.identity
[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>$a

Rdn : CN=John Kerry
Parent : e12dom.local/Congress
Depth : 3
DistinguishedName : CN=John Kerry,OU=Congress,DC=e12dom,DC=local
DomainId : e12dom.local
ObjectGuid : 7377afa2-4ade-4fca-b052-345d572f47d5
Name : John Kerry

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>$a.DistinguishedName
CN=John Kerry,OU=Congress,DC=e12dom,DC=local
[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-mailbox $a.DistinguishedName

Name Alias ServerName ProhibitSendQuota
---- ----- ---------- ---------------
John Kerry JohnKerry e12 2100MB

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-mailbox -database $server\Senate

Name Alias ServerName ProhibitSendQuota
---- ----- ---------- ---------------
Daniel Akaka DaniAkaka e12 2100MB
Lamar Alexander LamaAlexander e12 2100MB
Wayne Allard WaynAllard e12 2100MB
George Allen GeorAllen e12 2100MB
### ** Cutting out a bunch of objects for brevity in the transcript file
James Talent JameTalent e12 2100MB
Craig Thomas CraiThomas e12 2100MB
John Thune JohnThune e12 2100MB
David Vitter DaviVitter e12 2100MB
George Voinovich GeorVoinovich e12 2100MB
John Warner JohnWarner e12 2100MB
exadmin exadmin e12 unlimited

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>Get-MailboxDatabase $server\Senate

Name Server StorageGroup Recovery
---- ------ ------------ --------
Senate E12 Congress False

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>Get-MailboxDatabase senate

Name Server StorageGroup Recovery
---- ------ ------------ --------
Senate E12 Congress False

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-mailboxdatabase $server\Congress\Senate

Name Server StorageGroup Recovery
---- ------ ------------ --------
Senate E12 Congress False

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-mailbox -OrganizationalUnit Congress

Name Alias ServerName ProhibitSendQuota
---- ----- ---------- ---------------
Daniel Akaka DaniAkaka e12 2100MB
Lamar Alexander LamaAlexander e12 2100MB
Wayne Allard WaynAllard e12 2100MB
### ** Cutting out a couple hundred more objects for brevity in the transcript file
David Wu DaviWu e12 2100MB
Albert Wynn AlbeWynn e12 2100MB
C.W. Bill Young C.W.Young e12 2100MB
Don Young DonYoung e12 2100MB
exadmin exadmin e12 unlimited

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>Get-DistributionGroupMember homelandc*

Name RecipientType
---- -------------
Daniel Akaka UserMailbox
Robert Bennett UserMailbox
Thomas Carper UserMailbox
Lincoln Chafee UserMailbox
Tom Coburn UserMailbox
Norm Coleman UserMailbox
Susan Collins UserMailbox
Mark Dayton UserMailbox
Pete Domenici UserMailbox
Frank Lautenberg UserMailbox
Carl Levin UserMailbox
Joseph Lieberman UserMailbox
Mark Pryor UserMailbox
Ted Stevens UserMailbox
George Voinovich UserMailbox
John Warner UserMailbox

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-mailbox jo*

Name Alias ServerName ProhibitSendQuota
---- ----- ---------- ---------------
Joseph Biden JoseBiden e12 2100MB
John Cornyn JohnCornyn e12 2100MB
Jon Corzine JonCorzine e12 2100MB
John Ensign JohnEnsign e12 2100MB
Johnny Isakson JohnIsakson e12 2100MB
John Kerry JohnKerry e12 2100MB
Jon Kyl JonKyl e12 2100MB
Joseph Lieberman JoseLieberman e12 2100MB
John McCain JohnMcCain e12 2100MB
John Rockefeller JohnRockefeller e12 2100MB
John Sununu JohnSununu e12 2100MB
John Thune JohnThune e12 2100MB
John Warner JohnWarner e12 2100MB
Joe Baca JoeBaca e12 2100MB
John Barrow JohnBarrow e12 2100MB
Joe Barton JoeBarton e12 2100MB
John A. Boehner JohnBoehner e12 2100MB
Jo Bonner JoBonner e12 2100MB
John Boozman JohnBoozman e12 2100MB
John Campbell JohnCampbell e12 2100MB
John Carter JohnCarter e12 2100MB
John Conyers JohnConyers e12 2100MB
Joseph Crowley JoseCrowley e12 2100MB
John Culberson JohnCulberson e12 2100MB
Jo Ann S. Davis JoADavis e12 2100MB
John Dingell JohnDingell e12 2100MB
John Doolittle JohnDoolittle e12 2100MB
John J. Duncan JohnDuncan e12 2100MB
Jo Ann Emerson JoAEmerson e12 2100MB
Joel Hefley JoelHefley e12 2100MB
John N. Hostettler JohnHostettler e12 2100MB
John Kline JohnKline e12 2100MB
Joseph Knollenberg JoseKnollenberg e12 2100MB
John R. Kuhl JohnKuhl e12 2100MB
John B. Larson JohnLarson e12 2100MB
John Lewis JohnLewis e12 2100MB
John Linder JohnLinder e12 2100MB
John M. McHugh JohnMcHugh e12 2100MB
John Mica JohnMica e12 2100MB
John Murtha JohnMurtha e12 2100MB
John Olver JohnOlver e12 2100MB
John E. Peterson JohnPeterson e12 2100MB
Joseph R. Pitts JosePitts e12 2100MB
Jon Porter JonPorter e12 2100MB
John T. Salazar JohnSalazar e12 2100MB
John J.H. Michigan Sch... JohnSchwarz e12 2100MB
Jos? E. Serrano Jos?Serrano e12 2100MB
John Shadegg JohnShadegg e12 2100MB
John Shimkus JohnShimkus e12 2100MB
John Spratt JohnSpratt e12 2100MB
John Sullivan JohnSullivan e12 2100MB
John E. Sweeney JohnSweeney e12 2100MB
John Tanner JohnTanner e12 2100MB
John Tierney JohnTierney e12 2100MB
Joe Wilson JoeWilson e12 2100MB

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-mailbox -OrganizationalUnit con*

Name Alias ServerName ProhibitSendQuota
---- ----- ---------- ---------------
Daniel Akaka DaniAkaka e12 2100MB
Lamar Alexander LamaAlexander e12 2100MB
Wayne Allard WaynAllard e12 2100MB
### ** Cutting out a couple hundred more objects for brevity in the transcript file
Albert Wynn AlbeWynn e12 2100MB
C.W. Bill Young C.W.Young e12 2100MB
Don Young DonYoung e12 2100MB
exadmin exadmin e12 unlimited

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>Get-MailboxDatabase *\C*\*

Name Server StorageGroup Recovery
---- ------ ------------ --------
House E12 Congress False
Senate E12 Congress False

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-mailbox -Filter { alias -like "jo*" -or Alias -like "a*" }

Name Alias ServerName ProhibitSendQuota
---- ----- ---------- ---------------
Jo Ann S. Davis JoADavis e12 2100MB
Jo Ann Emerson JoAEmerson e12 2100MB
Jo Bonner JoBonner e12 2100MB
Joe Baca JoeBaca e12 2100MB
Joe Barton JoeBarton e12 2100MB
Joel Hefley JoelHefley e12 2100MB
Joe Wilson JoeWilson e12 2100MB
John Barrow JohnBarrow e12 2100MB
John A. Boehner JohnBoehner e12 2100MB
John Boozman JohnBoozman e12 2100MB
John Campbell JohnCampbell e12 2100MB
John Carter JohnCarter e12 2100MB
John Conyers JohnConyers e12 2100MB
John Cornyn JohnCornyn e12 2100MB
John Culberson JohnCulberson e12 2100MB
John Dingell JohnDingell e12 2100MB
John Doolittle JohnDoolittle e12 2100MB
John J. Duncan JohnDuncan e12 2100MB
John Ensign JohnEnsign e12 2100MB
John N. Hostettler JohnHostettler e12 2100MB
Johnny Isakson JohnIsakson e12 2100MB
John Kerry JohnKerry e12 2100MB
John Kline JohnKline e12 2100MB
John R. Kuhl JohnKuhl e12 2100MB
John B. Larson JohnLarson e12 2100MB
John Lewis JohnLewis e12 2100MB
John Linder JohnLinder e12 2100MB
John McCain JohnMcCain e12 2100MB
John M. McHugh JohnMcHugh e12 2100MB
John Mica JohnMica e12 2100MB
John Murtha JohnMurtha e12 2100MB
John Olver JohnOlver e12 2100MB
John E. Peterson JohnPeterson e12 2100MB
John Rockefeller JohnRockefeller e12 2100MB
John T. Salazar JohnSalazar e12 2100MB
John J.H. Michigan Sch... JohnSchwarz e12 2100MB
John Shadegg JohnShadegg e12 2100MB
John Shimkus JohnShimkus e12 2100MB
John Spratt JohnSpratt e12 2100MB
John Sullivan JohnSullivan e12 2100MB
John Sununu JohnSununu e12 2100MB
John E. Sweeney JohnSweeney e12 2100MB
John Tanner JohnTanner e12 2100MB
John Thune JohnThune e12 2100MB
John Tierney JohnTierney e12 2100MB
John Warner JohnWarner e12 2100MB
Jon Corzine JonCorzine e12 2100MB
Jon Kyl JonKyl e12 2100MB
Jon Porter JonPorter e12 2100MB
Jos? E. Serrano Jos?Serrano e12 2100MB
Joseph Biden JoseBiden e12 2100MB
Joseph Crowley JoseCrowley e12 2100MB
Joseph Knollenberg JoseKnollenberg e12 2100MB
Joseph Lieberman JoseLieberman e12 2100MB
Joseph R. Pitts JosePitts e12 2100MB
Adam Putnam AdamPutnam e12 2100MB
Adam Schiff AdamSchiff e12 2100MB
Adam Smith AdamSmith e12 2100MB
Administrator Administrator e12 unlimited
Alan B. Mollohan AlanMollohan e12 2100MB
Albert Wynn AlbeWynn e12 2100MB
Alcee L. Hastings AlceHastings e12 2100MB
Al Green AlGreen e12 2100MB
Allen Boyd AlleBoyd e12 2100MB
Allyson Y. Schwartz AllySchwartz e12 2100MB
Ander Crenshaw AndeCrenshaw e12 2100MB
Anna G. Eshoo AnnaEshoo e12 2100MB
Anne Northup AnneNorthup e12 2100MB
Anthony D. Weiner AnthWeiner e12 2100MB
Arlen Specter ArleSpecter e12 2100MB
Artur Davis ArtuDavis e12 2100MB

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\TR4>get-mailbox | where {$_.Alias -like "jo*" -or $_.Alias -like "a*" }

Name Alias ServerName ProhibitSendQuota
---- ----- ---------- ---------------
Administrator Administrator e12 unlimited
Joseph Biden JoseBiden e12 2100MB
John Cornyn JohnCornyn e12 2100MB
Jon Corzine JonCorzine e12 2100MB
John Ensign JohnEnsign e12 2100MB
Johnny Isakson JohnIsakson e12 2100MB
John Kerry JohnKerry e12 2100MB
Jon Kyl JonKyl e12 2100MB
Joseph Lieberman JoseLieberman e12 2100MB
John McCain JohnMcCain e12 2100MB
John Rockefeller JohnRockefeller e12 2100MB
Arlen Specter ArleSpecter e12 2100MB
John Sununu JohnSununu e12 2100MB
John Thune JohnThune e12 2100MB
John Warner JohnWarner e12 2100MB
Joe Baca JoeBaca e12 2100MB
John Barrow JohnBarrow e12 2100MB
Joe Barton JoeBarton e12 2100MB
John A. Boehner JohnBoehner e12 2100MB
Jo Bonner JoBonner e12 2100MB
John Boozman JohnBoozman e12 2100MB
Allen Boyd AlleBoyd e12 2100MB
John Campbell JohnCampbell e12 2100MB
John Carter JohnCarter e12 2100MB
John Conyers JohnConyers e12 2100MB
Ander Crenshaw AndeCrenshaw e12 2100MB
Joseph Crowley JoseCrowley e12 2100MB
John Culberson JohnCulberson e12 2100MB
Artur Davis ArtuDavis e12 2100MB
Jo Ann S. Davis JoADavis e12 2100MB
John Dingell JohnDingell e12 2100MB
John Doolittle JohnDoolittle e12 2100MB
John J. Duncan JohnDuncan e12 2100MB
Jo Ann Emerson JoAEmerson e12 2100MB
Anna G. Eshoo AnnaEshoo e12 2100MB
Al Green AlGreen e12 2100MB
Alcee L. Hastings AlceHastings e12 2100MB
Joel Hefley JoelHefley e12 2100MB
John N. Hostettler JohnHostettler e12 2100MB
John Kline JohnKline e12 2100MB
Joseph Knollenberg JoseKnollenberg e12 2100MB
John R. Kuhl JohnKuhl e12 2100MB
John B. Larson JohnLarson e12 2100MB
John Lewis JohnLewis e12 2100MB
John Linder JohnLinder e12 2100MB
John M. McHugh JohnMcHugh e12 2100MB
John Mica JohnMica e12 2100MB
Alan B. Mollohan AlanMollohan e12 2100MB
John Murtha JohnMurtha e12 2100MB
Anne Northup AnneNorthup e12 2100MB
John Olver JohnOlver e12 2100MB
John E. Peterson JohnPeterson e12 2100MB
Joseph R. Pitts JosePitts e12 2100MB
Jon Porter JonPorter e12 2100MB
Adam Putnam AdamPutnam e12 2100MB
John T. Salazar JohnSalazar e12 2100MB
Adam Schiff AdamSchiff e12 2100MB
Allyson Y. Schwartz AllySchwartz e12 2100MB
John J.H. Michigan Sch... JohnSchwarz e12 2100MB
Jos? E. Serrano Jos?Serrano e12 2100MB
John Shadegg JohnShadegg e12 2100MB
John Shimkus JohnShimkus e12 2100MB
Adam Smith AdamSmith e12 2100MB
John Spratt JohnSpratt e12 2100MB
John Sullivan JohnSullivan e12 2100MB
John E. Sweeney JohnSweeney e12 2100MB
John Tanner JohnTanner e12 2100MB
John Tierney JohnTierney e12 2100MB
Anthony D. Weiner AnthWeiner e12 2100MB
Joe Wilson JoeWilson e12 2100MB
Albert Wynn AlbeWynn e12 2100MB

### NOTE HUGE performance difference between server-side filtering (-Filter) and client side filtering with "where" clause

In the next post, I'll cover the final part of the demo... the "grand finale". In that part of the demo, I explain how I provisioned the environment, and demostrated a script to "rip out" the environment and then effortlessly "regenerate" it again.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Preserving Nickname Cache in Exchange Migrations Apple challenges Microsoft Exchange Google to Replace