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Introducing Event Hubs for Azure Stack

Azure Stack provides you with a hybrid cloud platform and provides the Azure services from your own datacenter. To enable and support your evolving business requirements Azure Stack enables various scenarios and services.

Enabling Event Hubs on Azure Stack gives you the advantages of,

  • Aggregating and filtering data locally, you don’t have to stream process to cloud. Stream and aggregate your data on-premises forgetting your latency concerns.
  • Process your data streams while maintaining the sovereignty.
  • Adhere to your geopolitical constraints while still connecting to Azure with hybrid solutions and one operating model on-premises and cloud.
  • On-premises data streaming solutions also solves your problem of local regulation/compliance/enterprise security boundaries. You can focus on getting data insights without connecting to cloud.
  • You also reduce network costs and boost your performance.
  • You also have the added advantage of optimizing your streaming resources to maximize your capacity usage.

We are soon releasing Event Hubs on Azure Stack starting with Private Preview with selected customers.

How to participate in Private Preview?

If you are considering Azure Stack for your business solutions and are interested in shaping the experience of Event Hubs on Azure Stack, complete this survey by October 15 2018.

Be part of Azure Advisors. Please consult for more information.  

Next Steps

Learn more about Azure Stack and how to onboard to it here -  

 Learn about Azure Event Hubs - 

Learn more about Event Hubs on Azure Stack and updates here –

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