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MIX08 Session: Applications = Designers + Developers

Hi everyone,

Thanks to all of you who attended the session Celso and I gave at MIX08. If you didn't get a chance to see us, you can view the session here. Besides describing how our Deep Zoom Composer was developed and styled, we spent the first half of the session working on a sample application called the FurnitureShowroom:


We've received numerous requests to provide the source files for FurnitureShowroom, you go:

slproject Download Sample

When you extract the above source files, there will be a folder called Database. Please move the Database folder to your C:\ drive so that the application knows where to get the data from. Make sure you also have the SQL Server 2005 support enabled. That is an installation option in Visual Studio, but you can also install the free SQL Server 2005 Express edition instead.
