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Expression Blend and Design

The team blog of the Expression Blend and Design products.

Expression Interactive Designer March 2006 CTP is now available from the Expression Web Site

The previous download instructions involved using the Microsoft Connect web site. We're happy to...

Author: kirupa Date: 03/10/2006

Announcing the availability of the March 2006 CTP of Expression Interactive Designer

If you've been using the January Community Technology Preview (CTP) of Expression Interactive...

Author: kirupa Date: 03/09/2006

Expression Interactive Designer: Three Discoveries

Our evangelist Karsten Januszewski has blogged about his discovery of three time-saving features of...

Author: kirupa Date: 03/07/2006

WPF-WinForms interoperability functionality (codename "Crossbow") will be in v1 of WPF

This will be of interest to those of you with an investment in Windows Forms. Originally, Microsoft...

Author: kirupa Date: 03/01/2006

Where can I go to learn about WPF?

Tim Sneath, a technical evangelist for Windows Vista, is often asked, "Where can I go to learn about...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/27/2006

Designers and developers are essentially doing the same thing...

...they're solving business problems.In their latest Channel 9 video [1], Kevin Moore and Robert...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/27/2006

How do I choose between ASP.NET, Atlas, Windows Forms and WPF?

In his blog post [1], Tim Sneath answers the following questions about considering when and where to...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/24/2006

Top Ten UI Development Breakthroughs In Windows Presentation Foundation

Ian Griffiths and Chris Sells (the authors of Programming Windows Presentation Foundation [1]) have...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/23/2006

The WinFX Runtime Components February CTP has been published!

But if you want to continue to use the January CTP of EID then please read this post before rushing...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/22/2006

Team posts on Styles and Templates

Check out a couple of personal blog postings from some members of the Expression team.Adrian Vinca...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/21/2006

How to create Aqua Gel Buttons

Valentin Iliescu [1] deserves another mention for his tutorial on creating aqua gel buttons [2].[1]...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/21/2006

XAML namespace changes for the upcoming February CTP of WPF

Rob Relyea's [1] blog is worth knowing about if you're interested in Windows Presentation Foundation...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/17/2006

Valentin Iliescu's Portal UI XBAP

Valentin Iliescu has developed a XAML Browser Application with a portal interface [1] (similar to...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/16/2006

Pavan Podila's quicksort animation in WPF

We'd like to share a link to Pavan Podila's QuickSort animation in WPF [1] sample application. Pavan...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/15/2006

Saturday Afternoon Fever with Expression Graphic Designer

On his blog, Claudio Castelli [1] has published some artwork which he created with Expression...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/14/2006

Designing FreeCell using Expression and Visual Studio Toolsets

Unni Ravindranathan [1], Program Manager on Expression Interactive Designer, has an article...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/13/2006

A small 3D tutorial

Lingesh Palaniappan [1], a Software Design Engineer in Test in the Expression Interactive Designer...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/10/2006

Binding to data which loads in the background

This is to announce that Karsten has a blog post (authored by Andrew Whiddet) on the subject of...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/09/2006

AdventureWorks Product Photos - a new EID tutorial

We have published a new Expression Interactive Designer tutorial targeting the January 2006 CTP....

Author: stevewhitepsfd Date: 02/08/2006

Americo's tutorials about 3D in WPF

Americo Damasceno has built some demonstration applications showing 3D virtual worlds in a fun and...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/07/2006

Imagine Cup Competition 2006

You'll be interested in this if you (or someone you know) currently attend...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/06/2006

ImageButtons - a new EID tutorial

We have published a new Expression Interactive Designer tutorial targeting the January 2006 CTP....

Author: kirupa Date: 02/06/2006

Electric Rain news

Here are some links to news and samples from Electric Rain. Electric Rain RainStorm Newsletter...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/03/2006

Correctly parenting new and existing elements in EID

In a previous post [1] we talked about creating a new element by double-clicking in the Library...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/01/2006

Inside Amir's and Peter's Flickr Browser sample - Part 2

The mechanics of the custom classes which provide smarts to the Flickr Browser sample were described...

Author: kirupa Date: 02/01/2006

Alexander Lih's Digital Clock Sample

Alexander Lih has used workflow between Expression Graphic Designer and Expression Interactive...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/31/2006

Inside Amir's and Peter's Flickr Browser sample - Part 1

Have you checked out Amir's and Peter's Flickr Browser sample yet? This post has a reminder of how...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/31/2006

XAML exporters for several design applications

Microsoft Expression Graphic Designer [1] is one application which exports designs to XAML ready to...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/31/2006

A taste of Cider

The next version of Visual Studio is codenamed Orcas. Just as Visual Studio does today, Orcas will...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/30/2006

What does EID's 'active' or 'activated' container mean?

Steve White, Technical Writer, EID Microsoft Expression Interactive Designer (EID) is largely about...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/29/2006

Swing by Unni's blog [1] and check out his beautiful samples built with Expression Interactive...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/25/2006

Liven Up Your Office Clip Art

Jeremy Kuhne has written an article Liven Up Your Office Clip Art [1] which you can find by visiting...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/25/2006

Meet the Expression team!

In case you were wondering what we look like, here's a cheerful photograph taken this evening when...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/25/2006

To view a sample or tutorial, click on one of thumbnails or links below. Some samples also have...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/24/2006

Electric Rain's ZAM 3D and examples

ZAM 3D ™ from Electric Rain is a new 3D XAML Tool for Microsoft Windows Vista application...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/24/2006

Expression Graphic Designer January 2006 CTP available!

Today we are also delighted to announce the availability of a new preview version of Expression...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/24/2006

Important 'Readme' item for the Expression Interactive Designer Jan 06 CTP

We thought it was worth calling out this item as it may be an issue some of you encounter. If you...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/24/2006

Amir's and Peter's Flickr Browser

Originally it was the rather witty 'Flickr Browsr', although now an 'e' has crept back in to...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/24/2006

Expression Interactive Designer preview available!

Today we are delighted to announce the availability of a preview version of Expression Interactive...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/24/2006

Welcome Screen

Download sample project files for January CTP Welcome Screen Download sample project files for March...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/24/2006

Welcome to the Expression team blog!

Hi, we’re glad to have you visit the Expression team’s blog - we hope you’ll like the resources and...

Author: kirupa Date: 01/24/2006
