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Day 33 of the Global Corporate Challenge


We've past the first month of the Global Corporate Challenge.

Update time! Let's see how we're doing

We're in position 1,252. Last time I posted an update we were in position 1,436

We're averaging 8,315 steps per day. I wanted to average at least 10,000 so we're behind. Way way behind!

To put it into context the leading team is averaging over 20,000 steps a day.

Another way to look at it, the leaders are doing almost 3 times as many steps as we are - what the! Are they playing a round of golf each day? Or are they doing laps of lakes, like Grant did

Anyways, let's look at the overall stats.

I must admit I am happy to see I am doing better then the average.

Let's compare with our challengers - the teams from Readify

Grrr - we're still coming second.

But wait, what's this! We have 26 missed entries. That's a lot.

Time to name and shame the team members and see who is letting the team down.

Nuff Said. I hope you are embarrased!!!