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PDC05 : Day 4 - and it's all over

Day 4 of PDC05 wasn't as big as the previous days, but it was still noteworthy.

Day Four

Security Symposium Takes the Stage
Best practices from Microsoft and industry developers that are building security into the software development process using the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) as their model. Learn more about SDL here.

Architecture: Making the Pieces Work Together
The PDC Architecture Symposium showcases how traditional best practices and recent innovations can be used together to build robust solutions that accelerate business value creation.

What did I get out of the day? A nice new toolbar for IE -- Developer Toolbar for IE announced at PDC


[ Currently Playing : Malambo No. 1 - Yma Sumac - Ultra-Lounge, Vol. 2: Mambo Fever (02:56) ]