TechTalk Blogs ... almost 3 weeks

TechTalkBlogs has been alive for 17 days, give or take. Time to look at some other stats:

System Summary
Mar 13 Mar 6 Feb 27
Active Feeds: 214 196 183
Feed Items: 1,805 1,486 1,174
Votes: 883 1,068 762

Overall, nice growth rate. The votes total went down, as we took out dodgy and duplicate votes.

Today, I am going to look at the top 10 posters, based on number of posts to date.

What an interesting collection - a few devs, a few kiwis, a few ex-pat Aussies, a few IT Pros, a few entrepreneurs.

BTW, Have you been finding TechTalkBlogs useful? Daniel Crowley-Wilson has. He shot an email to an internal mailing list recently:

From: Daniel Crowley-Wilson
Subject: tech talk blogs - thumbs up

I'm finding it an incredibly useful way of keeping up to date with the best content in the australian blogosphere. I really like the moderation system, which does a good job at making the popular posts accessible.

I've read many interesting blogs in the last few days that I would never have known about before.

If you haven't seen it yet

I couldn't have said it any better myself!

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