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On my way to MGX – Day 1…


MGX or Microsoft Global eXchange is a yearly conference in the US. It is done for the field organizations from all over the world (and I mean ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! ). This year it is in Atlanta… well, somebody prefers a hot and wet locations every year… Atlanta, New Orleans, Orlando in the summer...

As an technical evangelist by heart I am totally aware that I am part of a marketing (and sales but more marketing) organization. At the MGX I do always realize that beside the fact that Microsoft has more than a thousand people working as evangelist all over the world we are a small part of the whole thing. Baby, it is simply huge!!! I expect about 13,000+ people there…

CIMG0458Most people outside Microsoft asking me what the MGX is I simply say: Do you know the “Developer Developer Developer” Video?? That is MGX… To be honest when I was on my way to my first MGX (five years ago…oh boy!!!) I was a bit reluctant to the idea of a CEO of a company like Microsoft going berserk on stage. Since then this is my personal highlight!! It really is… This man is so energetic… once in his kind.

This year MGX for me is more than a MGX. I won a prize. Or should I say my team won and I am the lucky guy to carry it?? I will try to get something back for them. Oh, by the way: The price is called Circle of Excellence Platinum. Beside having a real nice hotel I will have a dinner with Steve Ballmer… stay tuned here I will report.

So by now I will drink another coffee in the LH lounge at Munich airport. Tickets, passport and smartcard ready to go… Another coffee and then –yeaha - a nine hour flight to Chicago and on to Atlanta. The city of CNN and Coca-Cola…


