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Noch ein Windows-CE-Training im April!

Hiermit erkläre ich den April zum offiziellen Windows-CE-Trainingsmonat! :-)

MicroConsult führt vom 21. – 23.04.2009 in Zusammenarbeit mit den CE-Profis unseres Windows Embedded Gold Partners Elektrobit ein Training zum Thema

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R2: Betriebssystem-, Treiber- und Applikationsentwicklung

durch. Trainingsort ist München. Hier die Agenda:

Introduction and Operating System Overview
- Characteristics of Windows Embedded CE
- History of Windows Embedded CE
- What's new in CE 6.0 R2?

Tools for Platform Development
- Visual Studio 2005 & CE 6.0 R2 installation
- Windows Embedded CE terminology
- A look at the IDE
- Introduction to the build process
- Testing and debugging the OS design
- Windows Embedded CE directory structure

Operating System Internals
- System architecture
- Memory model
- Processes and threads
- Synchronization objects
- Interrupt model

Operating System Components
- File systems
- Registry
- Power management
- Internationalization

Build System
- Directory structure of the build tree
- Build process
- Build tool
- Command line
- Troubleshooting a build

Board Support Package
- BSP overview
- Platform common code
- BSP components
- Creating a new BSP

Device Driver Concepts
- Overview: device drivers
- User mode driver framework
- Handling caller buffers
- Loading a stream driver
- Debugging device drivers

Customizing the OS Design
- Catalog
- Shell options
- SDKs

Application Development
- Application development options
- Native code development
- Managed code development

Testing & Verification
- Windows Embedded CE test kit
- Other test utilities

Also nichts wie hin! Hier über Details informieren und anmelden.

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