Visual Studio Smart Device Project error caused by IE8 RTW – and a workaround
If you have recently upgraded your Internet Explorer to the latest and greatest final version 8, apart from now enjoying one of the fastest and most compatible browsers on earth, you might have encountered one or two side effects – one of them not being able to create a new C++ smart device project in Visual Studio (2005 or 2008) anymore because the project wizard fails with a script error :-(
This nasty little issue, caused by changes in IE’s security model (isn’t security always a nice thing?), was first observed in a Beta of IE8 last year, it was then gone in the RC, and now it seems it’s back. But fear not: the VC++ team has already posted a workaround and a more detailed explanation of what is going on. And a fix will be provided once it is clear whether IE or VS is to blame for this misbehavior. Stay tuned.
I can only join the VC++ team in apologizing for the inconveniences…
March 29, 2009
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April 07, 2009
最近在学习win32开发wm应用时,发现无法创建vc 的智能设备项目,在网上搜索了一下,确定是由于ie8和vs的冲突导致的。