SPUpgradeException - Error message when you run the "SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard" when you create a New SharePoint 2016 Farm
On a Windows Server 2012 R2 server that has SharePoint Server 2016 installed, when you run the SharePoint Configuration Wizard to Create a New SharePoint Farm, when the wizard reaches Step 3, you receive the following error message
Exception: Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeException: One or more types failed to load. Please refer to the upgrade log for more details.
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPActionSequence.LoadUpgradeActions()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPActionSequence.get_Actions()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPActionSequence.get_ActionsInternal()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUtility.GetLatestTargetSchemaVersionBeforeMajorVersion(Type typeActionSequence, Int32 majorVer)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPSiteSequence.get_PreviousTargetSchemaVersion()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeSession.PopulateSequencesTable(StringBuilder sqlstr, Boolean siteSequence)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeSession.ConstructSiteNeedsUpgradeQuery(Guid siteId)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPContentDatabaseSequence.GetSiteNeedsUpgrade(SPUpgradeSession session, SPContentDatabase database, Dictionary`2& dictSitesNeedUpgrade, Dictionary`2& dictSitesNeedFeatureUpgrade)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPContentDatabaseSequence.AddNextLevelObjects()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPHierarchyManager.Grow(SPTree`1 root, Boolean bRecursing, SPDelegateManager delegateManager)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPHierarchyManager.Grow(SPTree`1 root, SPDelegateManager delegateManager)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeSession.NeedsUpgrade(Object o, Boolean bRecurse)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeSession.ReflexiveNeedsUpgrade(Object o, Boolean bRecurse)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeSession.NeedsUpgrade(Object o, Boolean bRecurse)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeSession.ReflexiveNeedsUpgrade(Object o, Boolean bRecurse)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeSession.NeedsUpgrade(Object o, Boolean bRecurse)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeSession.ReflexiveNeedsUpgrade(Object o, Boolean bRecurse)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeSession.NeedsUpgrade(Object o, Boolean bRecurse)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeSession.ReflexiveNeedsUpgrade(Object o, Boolean bRecurse)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeSession.NeedsUpgrade(Object o, Boolean bRecurse)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPServerProductInfo.DetectLocalUpgradeStatus()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPServerProductInfo.DetectLocalProductVersions(SPProductVersions prodVer)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPServerProductInfo.UpdateProductInfoInDatabase(Guid serverGuid)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm.Join(Boolean skipRegisterAsDistributedCacheHost, Nullable`1 serverRole)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.ConfigurationDatabaseTask.CreateOrConnectConfigDb()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.ConfigurationDatabaseTask.Run()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.TaskThread.ExecuteTask()
The following screenshot shows the ULS log entry that relates to the SPUpgradeException error.
Error Exception: Could not load file or assembly ‘Microsoft.Data.Odata’
Error failed to call GetTypes()
The issue only appears to occur, if you are downloading the “ Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6” prerequisites component using the direct download (Offline installer) link or if you copy the “ Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6” executable from a network location. Files that are downloaded from the internet or copied from a Network location are blocked by Windows Operating System SmartScreen Program/ File Security feature.
In some cases, though installation of the blocked file is allowed. However, this may affect the installation or the registration of certain components.
Also after installing the "Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6" please reboot the server, before running the SharePoint Configuration Wizard. Rebooting the server appears to register the component. Therefore, this issue could be avoided.
Method 1
If the server where SharePoint Server 2016 is installed is connected to the internet, then use the PrerequisiteInstaller.exe to download the necessary prerequisites component using the prerequisite installer. “ Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6” component that was installed using thePrerequisiteInstaller.exe is not affected by this issue.
Method 2
If the SharePoint 2013 Server is not connected to the internet, then unblock the WCFDataServices.exe file from the File properties. Rerun the executable and click Repair to re-install/repair the component.
After a successful repair of the WCF Data Services component, rerun the SharePoint Configuration Wizard for a successful creation of a New SharePoint Farm.
Windows Server 2012 R2
SharePoint Server 2016 RTM
- Anonymous
June 04, 2016
Excellent JobThanks a lot, - Anonymous
July 06, 2016
Thank you, was working on this all day till I found this. The Volume license iso doesnt come with any of the prereq installers, so annoying. I had to unblock as you say. - Anonymous
July 06, 2016
Helpful - Anonymous
July 13, 2016
Thanks you!!! - Anonymous
July 17, 2016
Thank you very much - Anonymous
August 16, 2016
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
September 12, 2016
Thanks a lot - Anonymous
December 07, 2016
Thanks a lot.. Repairing WCFDataService worked. - Anonymous
January 28, 2017
This worked for me as well, Thank you so much! - Anonymous
January 29, 2017
Thanks a lot - Anonymous
February 18, 2017
Its really very helpful.Thank you so much..!! - Anonymous
March 19, 2017
excellent job, just tested it out on windows server 2016, it applied to W2016, too. - Anonymous
March 20, 2017
Brilliant - Thanks so much - worked on server 2012 R2 and SP2016. - Anonymous
August 17, 2017
Very nice :)) - Anonymous
December 13, 2017
Excellent solution.Thank you very much. - Anonymous
February 25, 2018
In my case SharePoint 2016 and Windows Server 2016 Workaround Method 2 fixed my issue.Thanks - Anonymous
August 09, 2018
Thanks, good article )) - Anonymous
September 27, 2018
Thanks :))