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IAG ActiveSynch Trunk troubleshooting

Most of the time IAG administrator doesnt know how to proceed and where to look at in order to understand the ActiveSynch issues via IAG. I would encourage to start from the basics and ensure that trunk configuration looks good, then verify the CAS configuration , ensure mobile device is setup properly, ensure no routing or firewall issues are the stumbling blocks in relation to your problems. Always search for an error in event logs on IAG, web monitor , CAS server events on Exhcnage Server and some times you might like to have a look at IIS server on CAS or IAG appliance just in case. However if nothing is helpful from this troubleshooting flow then you might feel like diving deep inside the IAG ActiveSynch trunk. Please note always looking at tracing might not be helpful if you ignore basics, so my approach is always to stick to basics and then start going deep under step by step.

The best approach is to enable tracing on Windows Mobile Device insynch with IAG Active Synch trunk and reproduce the issue. It will show you what and where the problem is coming from. This tracing is not for any specific IAG/Active Synch issue , basically its generic approach for advance troublshooting if you are convinced that the trunk is setup correctly and something is happening in the background.

PS; please disable this tracing the moment you collect data from problem repro.

Step by step instruction to carry out in repro :

1.     Create a new Active Sync trunk.

· For any reference Part 1 will help to create trunk

2.     Verify the repository is set in the InternalSite\ActiveSyncLogin.asp

3.     Leave all defaults expect the following:

· Application Properties: Enable learn mode.

4.     Advanced Trunk, Session tab:

· Change inactive timeout to 900.

5.     Uncheck, Automatic Scheduled Logoff...

6.     Activate.

7.     Test with a single clean smart phone client.

· NOTE: Please use one smart phone that has been hard / soft reset to test so we maintain the device name is traces and we don’t have any previous cookies on the device.

8.     Check Whale Event Monitor.

9.     If still a problem.

10.  Record the Exchange server layout. How many servers, what are the server names in this test.


11.  Enable client side logging (verbose). Log will be on the device under \Windows\ActiveSync

· Please also enable Verbose logging on the mobile device. This can be done within the ActiveSync Configuration by choosing Advanced under the place where the credentials are entered. Once in Advanced, chose Verbose logging from dropdown menu. Upload all of the device logs directly after reproducing the behavior (Do not sync again before uploading the logs). You can copy over the logs on the device by cradling the device and copying the logs from the FileSystem location of <\\Windows\ActiveSync\Logs> directory on the device.

12.  Also on IAG enable the following

Enable In synch filter log tracing on IAG appliance to dump the Active Synch trunk traffic.

Browse to C:\Whale-Com\e-Gap\von\InternalSite\inc\
Modify trace_on = false to read trace_on = true

Save the file.

Browse to C:\Whale-Com\e-Gap\common\conf\trace.ini
Go to the last line of the file and add the following lines.






 PS: please comment out or remove these lines once repro is finished.