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JLCA and EJB, RMI, Code-Behind, HttpHandler

Q. I'm using JLCA 3.0 Beta (because it supports J2EE1.3) and i want to migrate an application from J2EE to .NET but I don't find enough documentation describing how to migrate EJB,RMI,... etc.

Also, I have read the Microsoft Guide about migrating applications from JSP to ASP.NET.but I did not understand the following points : How can i use non-graphics pages ASP.NET (with only codebehind)? How can i work with HttpHandler ?


Here are some of the facts to be considered while converting your Java applications to .NET.


Enterprise Java Beans define a server side, distributed component model architecture that intends to provide solutions for business applications in a transactional, secure, scalable and platform independent way. It provides features like automatic data persistence, remote messaging, security, resource management and transparent Client/Server communication. EJBs (versions 1.1 and 2.0) are primarily converted to .NET framework through COM+ technology (System.EnterpriseServices API). EJBs with Container Managed Persistence (CMP) have no direct equivalent in COM+.

JLCA 3.0 Beta helps to convert the following features of EJBs: XML Deployment Descriptor (ejb-jar.xml), Session Beans (Stateful and Stateless), Entity Beans (BMP and CMP), Message Driven Beans, Client Side, Security (Permissions and Roles) and Transactions (EJB level and Method Level), among others.


RMI provides easy access to objects on remote machines. The server application registers objects on a RMIregistry or a naming service and the client application gets object’s references on remote machines. RMI-IIOP architecture is a hybrid between RMI and CORBA and it works as simple as RMI. It has the same flexibility than RMI with the powerful features of running over Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP). RMI and RMI-IIOP are primarily converted to .NET framework through System.Remoting, System.Security APIs and System.MarshalByRefObject.

JLCA 3.0 Beta helps to convert the following features of RMI: Interfaces, Exceptions, Client and Server Sides, Registration, Security and System Properties, among others. Moreover, RMI-IIOP conversion support includes: Interfaces and their implementation and, Client and Server Sides, among others.


For documentation and more info about code-behind in ASP.NET pl refer




Detailed information about the HttpHandler class can be found at


In case you need more information regarding any of these or are encountering problems, pl let me know the specifics. I would be glad to help you out with more.