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Events This Week – March 29th, 2010

Here are the events listed in Community Megaphone for the next week (or so) for the Mid-Atlantic area, as well as webcasts of interest…this list includes events imported from the UGSS event calendar, and all events entered in Community Megaphone are also automatically synced to the UGSS event calendar:

Microsoft Developer Dinner for Partners: A Lap around Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:00 PM, Reston, VA
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 introduces a whole host of new design and modeling tools to help enterprises and teams build software. UML Diagrams and the Layer Diagram can be used to plan and design the assets your team will produce, and communicate effectively about those designs during the entire development lifecycle. The Architecture Explorer and Graphs help you investigate and better understand the assets you have to enable more effective planning and decision making. Visual Studio also advances developer productivity with new tools for application debugging to collect more detailed diagnostic data during a test run leading to higher quality bugs that provide more insight to the developers on what actually went wrong when the bug occurred. We'll show how Test Impact Analysis helps developers test the right automated tests from within Visual Studio, while testers know what the right set of tests to prioritize and run is given recent changes introduced by the development team. Finally, experience how the ALM tools in Team Foundation Server 2010 support agile project management and improve quality assurance efforts by facilitating great collaborations between developers and testers.
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DC ALT.NET - Working Effectively with Git
Wednesday, March 31, 2010 7:00 PM, Alexandria, VA
This month we have the co-founder of DC ALT.NET to come and talk to us about Git. Distributed Version Control Systems (DVCS) have risen to popularity over the past couple of years, and for good reasons such as not requiring network connectivity, allowing for better branching and private workspaces among other reasons. The demand for DVCS has become apparent that both Microsoft and Google are supporting Mercurial (another DVCS). Come learn what makes these systems interesting and how you can be productive using them.
In particular with Git, we'll focus on the following areas:
* Git overview
* What is Git
o The Git philosophy
o What's so different about Git
* Working with Git
* How to work effectively with it
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Silverlight 4 Deep Dive
Wednesday, March 31, 2010 7:00 PM, Vienna, VA
The ink on Silverlight 3 books were barely dry when Microsoft announced Silverlight 4. Come to this talk and get up to speed quickly on the must know features of Silverlight 4. Web Cam/Mic access, Fully trusted applications, COM access and more!
Frank La Vigne has been hooked on software development since he was 12 when he got his own Commodore 64 computer. Since then, he's worked as developer for financial firms on Wall Street and in Europe. He has worked on various Tablet PC solutions and building advanced user experiences in Silverlight and WPF. He lives in the suburbs of Washington, DC. He founded the CapArea.NET User Group Silverlight Special Interest Group. He blogs regularly at
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Citability Codeathon
Friday, April 09, 2010 7:00 PM, Chevy Chase, MD
The League of Technical Voters in conjunction with Microsoft is extremely pleased to invite you to participate in the Citability Codeathon in DC. Citability is an important step to promote informed participation by the public and increase governmental transparency and accountability. In keeping with the tenets of the January 21, 2009 Presidential memo on Open Government and transparency, the objective of is to web enable publicly available government documents and make them citable at a paragraph level, allowing citizens to cite governmental documents on a useful, unique level.Programmers and designers will gather to work all weekend to create open source tools and demos in all the major open source platforms to showcase Citability.
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Philly Code Camp 2010.1
Saturday, April 10, 2010 8:30 AM, Fort Washington, PA
Our first 2010 Code Camp will be held at the DeVry University campus in Fort Washington, PA on Saturday, April 10 from 8:30-5:00. Please register at EventBrite. Detailed directions are on the DeVry web site (\_ftwashingtoncampus.jsp).
Lots of code, just say no to slides!
8 hours of learning and networking
60 sessions (8:30, 10:00, 12:30, 2:00, 3:30)
12 tracks (two recorded live by Microsoft MSDN)
600 seats with tables (laptops welcome)
Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack
Raffles and prizes at lunch and closing
New Booster registration option for premium seating and prizes
Easy parking
After hours party at a local pub (network with speakers and attendees)
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Hampton Roads .NET Users Group : April Meeting
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 6:00 PM, Chesapeake, VA
Software developers are writers. Our medium is text. What can we learn about writing code by studying the principles of good story writing? Frequently in software development, we solve a problem, check in the code and release it. Unfortunately, this means we have released a first draft of the solution. One of the main lessons of writing workshops and classes is to write in small chunks and revise ruthlessly. By releasing our first drafts, we increase the maintenance cast of our application because it is harder to understand the initial intent of the solution. In this session, we will explore concepts from writing such as small assignments, bad first drafts, and telling the truth as they apply to the craft of software development.
Join us after the meeting at TGI Friday's near the meeting for an after-meeting get together with Alan.
Alan Stevens is a father, geek, vegan and software artisan living in Knoxville, TN. Alan regularly speaks at industry conferences and user groups. Alan is an Open Space Technology facilitator. Alan is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in C#. Alan is a member of ASP Insiders. When Alan is not playing with his kids, enjoying a fine cigar, singing or playing his acoustic guitar, he occasionally updates his blog at
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RockNUG Release 3.10
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 6:30 PM, Rockville, MD
Sliverlight 4.0 Highlights from PDC
by David Makogon
David will take us through some of the exciting new features for Silverlight 4.0 that were announced at the PDC, including improved out of browser functionality, drag and drop and Visual Studio enhancements. He'll also demonstrate the Silverlight Toolkit. If time allows, he'll demonstrate how to host Silverlight in Azure.
David is a Senior Consultant at RDA (, and the technical lead on RDA's Architectural Guidance Practice Group (blog at He's also a Microsoft Solutions Advocate. You can also follow him on twitter: .
n00b Presentation 6:30 - 7:00 Debugging in Windows 7 and XP at the same time!-- Kevin Jones
Pizza/Announcements 7:00 - 7:30
Featured Presentation 7:30 - 9:00 Silverlight 4.0 Highlights - David Makogon
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