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SCOM 2016 with Powershell Desired State Configuration Part 2


the intension of this three-part series is to get a picture of what you have to change on the xSCOM DSC Module to make it aware of SCOM 2016. I will show you what and where you have to change. Please use this as a modular example of how Powershell DSC modules can be manipulated to fit your needs. In the upcoming Part 4 I will show you how to use this xSCOM Module to deploy a complete SCOM environment.

Customize the PS DSC Modules Part 2:

Here will the development begin. You can find the modules at the following path: '$env:CommonProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules'
We need to adjust the following DSCResources from the xScom Module:

MSFT_xSCOMConsoleSetup (described in Part 1 of this blog series) MSFT_xSCOMConsoleUpdate (described in Part 1 of this blog series)
MSFT_xSCOMManagementServerSetup (described in Part 2 of this blog series)
MSFT_xSCOMManagementServerUpdate (described in Part 2 of this blog series)
MSFT_xSCOMWebConsoleServerSetup (described in Part 3 of this blog series) MSFT_xSCOMWebConsoleServerUpdate (described in Part 3 of this blog series)

Each Module folder contains two files. We need to edit the *.PSM (Powershell Module file). Please create a backup before. Each *.PSM file consists of three major Functions:

get-targetresource (needs to be manipulated)
set-targetresource (needs to be manipulated)
test-targetresource (no changes are required)

Please edit the MSFT_xSCOMManagementServerSetup.psm1 from the MSFT_xSCOMManagementServerSetup folder and go to the first section (Get-Targetresource)
Add the following condition part to the switch statement:

            $IdentifyingNumber = "{1199B530-E226-46DC-B7F4-7891D5AFCF22}"
            $InstallRegVersion = "12"
            $RegVersion = "3.0"

And next add the following switch condition to the switch statement in the Set-Targetresource function:

            $IdentifyingNumber = "{1199B530-E226-46DC-B7F4-7891D5AFCF22}"
            $InstallRegVersion = "12"

After that the MSFT_xSCOMManagementServerSetup.psm1 file is aware of SCOM 2016 Management Server installations and DSC can push or pull a SCOM 2016 Management Server.
Now it should look like:

 function Get-TargetResource
       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
     $Ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $SourceFolder = "\SystemCenter2012R2\OperationsManager.en",

     [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $ManagementServicePort = 5723,



        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $DatabaseName = "OperationsManager",

     $DatabaseSize = 1000,

       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $DwDatabaseName = "OperationsManagerDW",

     $DwDatabaseSize = 1000,



     $EnableErrorReporting = "Never",


    Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\xPDT.psm1
    $Path = Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $SourcePath -ChildPath $SourceFolder) -ChildPath "setup.exe"
    $Path = ResolvePath $Path
    $Version = (Get-Item -Path $Path).VersionInfo.ProductVersion

            $IdentifyingNumber = "{1199B530-E226-46DC-B7F4-7891D5AFCF22}"
            $InstallRegVersion = "12"
            $RegVersion = "3.0"
            $IdentifyingNumber = "{C92727BE-BD12-4140-96A6-276BA4F60AC1}"
            $InstallRegVersion = "12"
            $RegVersion = "3.0"
            $IdentifyingNumber = "{43C498CB-D391-4B07-9C03-85C4E8239102}"
            $InstallRegVersion = "12"
            $RegVersion = "3.0"
            throw "Unknown version of Operations Manager!"

    if(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.IdentifyingNumber -eq $IdentifyingNumber})
        $InstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\System Center Operations Manager\$InstallRegVersion\Setup" -Name "InstallDirectory").InstallDirectory
        $MGs = Get-ChildItem -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\$RegVersion\Server Management Groups"
        foreach($MG in $MGs)
            $MGReg = $MG.Name.Replace("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\","HKLM:")
            if ((Get-ItemProperty -Path $MGReg -Name "IsServer").IsServer -eq 1)
                $ManagementGroupName = $MG.Name.Split("\")[$MG.Name.Split("\").Count - 1]
                $ManagementServicePort = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $MGReg -Name "Port").Port
        $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME + "." + (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain
        if(!(Get-Module -Name OperationsManager))
            Import-Module "$InstallPath\PowerShell\OperationsManager"
        if(Get-Module -Name OperationsManager)
            $ManagementServer = Get-SCOMManagementServer -Name $ComputerName
          $ActionAccountUsername = $ManagementServer.ActionAccountIdentity
            $DRA = (Get-SCOMRunAsAccount -Name "Data Warehouse Report Deployment Account")
          $DataReaderUsername = $DRA.Domain + "\" + $DRA.UserName
            $DWA = (Get-SCOMRunAsAccount -Name "Data Warehouse Action Account")
          $DataWriterUsername = $DWA.Domain + "\" + $DWA.UserName
        $DASAccountUsername = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "OMSDK"}).StartName
       $SqlServerInstance = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\$RegVersion\Setup" -Name "DatabaseServerName").DatabaseServerName
       $DatabaseName = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\$RegVersion\Setup" -Name "DatabaseName").DatabaseName
        $DwSqlServerInstance = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\$RegVersion\Setup" -Name "DataWarehouseDBServerName").DataWarehouseDBServerName
       $DwDatabaseName = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\$RegVersion\Setup" -Name "DataWarehouseDBName").DataWarehouseDBName

        $returnValue = @{
           Ensure = "Present"
          SourcePath = $SourcePath
            SourceFolder = $SourceFolder
            InstallPath = $InstallPath
          ManagementGroupName = $ManagementGroupName
          ManagementServicePort = $ManagementServicePort
          ActionAccountUsername = $ActionAccountUsername
          DASAccountUsername = $DASAccountUsername
            DataReaderUsername = $DataReaderUsername
            DataWriterUsername = $DataWriterUsername
            SqlServerInstance = $SqlServerInstance
          DatabaseName = $DatabaseName
            DwSqlServerInstance = $DwSqlServerInstance
          DwDatabaseName = $DwDatabaseName
     $returnValue = @{
           Ensure = "Absent"
           SourcePath = $SourcePath
            SourceFolder = $SourceFolder

function Set-TargetResource
       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
     $Ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $SourceFolder = "\SystemCenter2012R2\OperationsManager.en",

     [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $ManagementServicePort = 5723,



        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $DatabaseName = "OperationsManager",

     $DatabaseSize = 1000,

       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $DwDatabaseName = "OperationsManagerDW",

     $DwDatabaseSize = 1000,



     $EnableErrorReporting = "Never",


    Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\xPDT.psm1
    $Path = Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $SourcePath -ChildPath $SourceFolder) -ChildPath "setup.exe"
    $Path = ResolvePath $Path
    $Version = (Get-Item -Path $Path).VersionInfo.ProductVersion

            $IdentifyingNumber = "{1199B530-E226-46DC-B7F4-7891D5AFCF22}"
            $InstallRegVersion = "12"
            $IdentifyingNumber = "{C92727BE-BD12-4140-96A6-276BA4F60AC1}"
            $InstallRegVersion = "12"
            $IdentifyingNumber = "{43C498CB-D391-4B07-9C03-85C4E8239102}"
            $InstallRegVersion = "12"
            throw "Unknown version of Operations Manager!"

            # Set defaults, if they couldn't be set in param due to null configdata input
            if($ManagementServicePort -eq 0)
                $ManagementServicePort = 5723
            if($DatabaseSize -eq 0)
                $DatabaseSize = 1000
            if($DwDatabaseSize -eq 0)
                $DwDatabaseSize = 1000
            if($UseMicrosoftUpdate -ne 1)
                $UseMicrosoftUpdate = 0
            if($SendCEIPReports -ne 1)
                $SendCEIPReports = 0
            if($SendODRReports -ne 1)
                $SendODRReports = 0

            # Remove default instance name
            $SqlServerInstance = $SqlServerInstance.Replace("\MSSQLSERVER","")
            $DwSqlServerInstance = $DwSqlServerInstance.Replace("\MSSQLSERVER","")

            # Create install arguments
            $Arguments = "/silent /install /AcceptEndUserLicenseAgreement:1 /components:OMServer"
            $ArgumentVars = @(
                $ArgumentVars += @(
            foreach($ArgumentVar in $ArgumentVars)
                if(!([String]::IsNullOrEmpty((Get-Variable -Name $ArgumentVar).Value)))
                    $Arguments += " /$ArgumentVar`:" + [Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables((Get-Variable -Name $ArgumentVar).Value)
            $AccountVars = @("ActionAccount","DASAccount","DataReader","DataWriter")
            foreach($AccountVar in $AccountVars)
                if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ActionAccount") -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($AccountVar))
                    $Arguments += " /$AccountVar`User:" + (Get-Variable -Name $AccountVar).Value.UserName
                    $Arguments += " /$AccountVar`Password:" + (Get-Variable -Name $AccountVar).Value.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                    if(($AccountVar -eq "ActionAccount") -or ($AccountVar -eq "DASAccount"))
                        $Arguments += " /UseLocalSystem$AccountVar"
            # Replace sensitive values for verbose output
            $Log = $Arguments
            $LogVars = @("ActionAccount","DASAccount","DataReader","DataWriter")
            foreach($LogVar in $LogVars)
                if((Get-Variable -Name $LogVar).Value -ne "")
                    $Log = $Log.Replace((Get-Variable -Name $LogVar).Value.GetNetworkCredential().Password,"********")
            # Create uninstall arguments
            $Arguments = "/silent /uninstall /components:OMServer"
            $Log = $Arguments

    Write-Verbose "Path: $Path"
    Write-Verbose "Arguments: $Log"
    $Process = StartWin32Process -Path $Path -Arguments $Arguments -Credential $SetupCredential -AsTask
    Write-Verbose $Process
    WaitForWin32ProcessEnd -Path $Path -Arguments $Arguments -Credential $SetupCredential

    # Additional first Management Server "Present" actions
    if(($Ensure -eq "Present") -and $FirstManagementServer -and (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.IdentifyingNumber -eq $IdentifyingNumber}))
        # Set ProductKey
            Write-Verbose "Set product key"
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName . -Credential $SetupCredential -Authentication Credssp -ScriptBlock {
                $ProductKey = $args[0]
                $InstallRegVersion = $args[1]
                $InstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\System Center Operations Manager\$InstallRegVersion\Setup" -Name "InstallDirectory").InstallDirectory
                Import-Module "$([Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($InstallPath))\Powershell\OperationsManager"
                Set-SCOMLicense -ProductID $ProductKey -Confirm:$false
            } -ArgumentList @($ProductKey,$InstallRegVersion)
            Restart-Service omsdk
            Restart-Service cshost
        # Wait for Management Service
        $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
        foreach($Port in @($ManagementServicePort,5724))
            $MSOpen = $false
                $Socket = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient
                    $MSOpen = $true
                    Write-Verbose "Wait for Management Server port $Port to open"
                    Start-Sleep 60
                $Socket = $null
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
        # Allow MS to initialize
        Start-Sleep 300

    if((Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager' -Name 'PendingFileRenameOperations' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null)
        $global:DSCMachineStatus = 1
        if(!(Test-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters))
            throw "Set-TargetResouce failed"

function Test-TargetResource
       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
     $Ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $SourceFolder = "\SystemCenter2012R2\OperationsManager.en",

     [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $ManagementServicePort = 5723,



        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $DatabaseName = "OperationsManager",

     $DatabaseSize = 1000,

       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $DwDatabaseName = "OperationsManagerDW",

     $DwDatabaseSize = 1000,



     $EnableErrorReporting = "Never",


   $result = ((Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters).Ensure -eq $Ensure)

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource

Next we add a few lines to the MSFT_xSCOMManagementServerUpdate for deploying the newest SCOM UpdateRollup (UR3 in this case)
Please edit the MSFT_xSCOMManagementServerUpdate.psm1 from the MSFT_xSCOMManagementServerUpdate folder and go to the first section (Get-Targetresource)
Find the following Where clause:

 Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "System Center Operations Manager 2012 Server"}).Version

And change it to:

 Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "System Center Operations Manager 2016 Server"}).Version

And next add the following switch condition to the switch statement in the Get-Targetresource function:

            $ProductCode = "{1199B530-E226-46DC-B7F4-7891D5AFCF22}"
            $PatchID = "{997B7B7E-01A2-460C-9F48-3F0BF3FE8622}"
            $Update = "Update Rollup 3"

And now add the following lines to the switch statement in the Set-Targetresource function:

           $UpdateFile = "KB4016126-AMD64-Server.msp"

After that the MSFT_xSCOMManagementServerUpdate file is aware of SCOM 2016 UR3 Management Server updates and DSC can push or pull a SCOM 2016 Management Server UpdateRollup 3.
Now it should look like:

 function Get-TargetResource
       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
     $Ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $SourceFolder = "\TEMP\Operationsmanager\Updates",

      [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $Version = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "System Center Operations Manager 2016 Server"}).Version
            $ProductCode = "{1199B530-E226-46DC-B7F4-7891D5AFCF22}"
            $PatchID = "{997B7B7E-01A2-460C-9F48-3F0BF3FE8622}"
            $Update = "Update Rollup 3"
            $ProductCode = "{C92727BE-BD12-4140-96A6-276BA4F60AC1}"
            $PatchID = "{F6930A3E-016D-4F88-9186-440090A836DF}"
            $Update = "Update Rollup 4"
            $returnValue = @{
             Ensure = "Present"
              SourcePath = $SourcePath
                SourceFolder = $SourceFolder
                Update = "None"
            $returnValue = @{
               Ensure = "Absent"
               SourcePath = $SourcePath
                SourceFolder = $SourceFolder
            throw "Unknown version of Operations Manager!"

    if($ProductCode -and $PatchID -and (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PatchPackage | Where-Object {($_.ProductCode -eq $ProductCode) -and ($_.PatchID -eq $PatchID)}))
        $returnValue = @{
         Ensure = "Present"
          SourcePath = $SourcePath
            SourceFolder = $SourceFolder
            Update = $Update
     $returnValue = @{
           Ensure = "Absent"
           SourcePath = $SourcePath
            SourceFolder = $SourceFolder


function Set-TargetResource
       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
     $Ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $SourceFolder = "\TEMP\Operationsmanager\Updates",

      [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $Version = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "System Center Operations Manager 2016 Server"}).Version
           $UpdateFile = "KB4016126-AMD64-Server.msp"
            $UpdateFile = "KB2992020-AMD64-Server.msp"
            Write-Verbose "No update for this version of Operations Manager!"
            Write-Verbose "Operations Manager Management Server not installed!"
            throw "Unknown version of Operations Manager!"

        Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\xPDT.psm1
        $Path = "msiexec.exe"
        $Path = ResolvePath $Path
        Write-Verbose "Path: $Path"
        $MSPPath = Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $SourcePath -ChildPath $SourceFolder) -ChildPath $UpdateFile
        $MSPPath = ResolvePath $MSPPath
        $Arguments = "/update $MSPPath /norestart"
        Write-Verbose "Arguments: $Arguments"

        $Process = StartWin32Process -Path $Path -Arguments $Arguments -Credential $SetupCredential
        Write-Verbose $Process
        WaitForWin32ProcessEnd -Path $Path -Arguments $Arguments -Credential $SetupCredential

    if((Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager' -Name 'PendingFileRenameOperations' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null)
        $global:DSCMachineStatus = 1
        if(!(Test-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters))
            throw "Set-TargetResouce failed"

function Test-TargetResource
       [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
     $Ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     $SourceFolder = "\SystemCenter2012R2\OperationsManager.en\Updates",

     [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

   $result = ((Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters).Ensure -eq $Ensure)

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource

Link to Part 1 Link to Part 3


  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2017
    The comment has been removed