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All is Quiet on the Cert Front

Too quiet actually.

I know a lot of people are waiting to see what the new cert plan will be for Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0.  I can’t tell you yet because we are working on it now.

The main reason for this post and the title is more related to a SQL Server exam, 70-433.  I know it is no longer in beta which means it’s no longer free but…….

If you know of Database Developers who are thinking of certification, give them a little shove that way if you would please.  We are looking at seeding new content into the exam and our psychometrician is looking for more exam takes to validate the question performance etc.

Besides, I was told by your peers when we split this out seperately, as compared to the SQL 2005 story, that there are thousands and thousands of Database Developers out there who wanted their own exam and didn’t want to take 70-431 because it covered some of that “administrative” stuff.

Well, here it is so let’s see how many of those thousands and thousands want to take it.

BTW, I’ll also be going back to the exam results and ensuring that all your peers who told me this have actually taken the exam too.  :-)

