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Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 UR9 (a.k.a “R8”) Beta is here!

Today I’m proud to announce the availability of beta version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 UR9 or Q2 2012 Service Update or “R8”. Call it what you want but it is here! The beta release only includes on-premises version of the next release of CRM. This release includes support for multiple browser types and many other great features that you can find in the Release Preview Guide.

This beta release is primarily targeted at developers and partners. We want you to make sure your solution and custom code works as you expect with the upcoming release. Please be sure to ready yourself, your peers and solutions for the release coming up in just a few short weeks.

What does the beta include?

  • A test only on-premises build
  • Pre-recorded feature overview sessions and power point presentation files
  • Pre-release implementation guide
  • SDK and readme.

Again we’d like to emphasize that the beta release is for test purposes only, and not for production usage. There is no migration path from the beta to the final release, so please plan accordingly and use appropriate test environments. There are elements of upcoming release that are not included in the beta, for example Mobility or CRMOnline specific features are not offered as part of the beta but will be available in the final release.

Where can you get the beta release?

The bits are available on Microsoft Connect site. Please follow the steps below to get access.

  1. Please provision an account on the R8 Beta Connect site by clicking on this link.
  2. Please complete the R8 Beta Access Survey using this link. (this link will not work until you complete step 1 above)
  3. Please access the R8 Beta Package using this link. (this link will not work until you complete steps 1&2 above)
  4. Please pose any questions about the R8 Beta using this R8 Beta Discussion Group here. (this link will not work until you complete steps 1&2 above)


Post all questions on the Connect discussion group linked above in step #4. If you are having trouble accessing the connect links above, please send an email to