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Wintellect chosen to be training vendor for Surface/WPF course

Congratulations to my friends over at Wintellect, they’ve been chosen by Microsoft to be THE training vendor for Surface and WPF. Wintellect currently offers Mastering Microsoft Surface Development with WPF publicly in an intensive, five day, 50 hour format. The course was written and will be taught by Wintellect instructor and consultant Walt Ritscher. All the courses will be presented at Microsoft training facilities across the United States and Microsoft Surface units will be provided for students at each event. The first course will be held in Dallas, Texas on April 20-24, 2009.

What they’re covering looks amazing, and extremely comprehensive. Not many people are going to be able to get hands on with a Surfacing interacting with code they wrote themselves, so this course is a great opportunity.

Let me know if you are interested in attending this course if it were brought to Atlanta, and I’ll pass that on to Wintellect.
