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Mellanox Infiniband on HPC Server 2008

One would assume that Infiniband on Windows is just going to be as easy as any other plug and play device installation. Well, in some cases it is. When you have some old cards and an old switch, no documentation, both not supported any longer and in an unknown state, it may not be! I am sure this experience is rather common, so I’ve decided to document what I did to make them work. In this case, I will focus on the Mellanox Infiniband stack, as it is the only one I could find that has public beta support for HPC Server 2008. Besides, Mellanox is the dominant provider of Infiniband hardware, even if it is then re-branded and re-sold by others.

The document is a bit long for a blog post, so I have put it  on

DISCLAIMER: This is not official guidance, just my notes. No guarantee is offered or implied. Your experience may differ, mileage may vary etc… etc… Also, I do not claim to be an Infiniband expert in any way. If you have comments, corrections, suggestions to make, please do so by responding to this post. I will update the document accordingly.

Tags: Infiniband, HPC, Windows Server 2008

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