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Visual Basic vs C# - early adopters favour C#?

This myth is typically from someone in Microsoft who thinks, codes, demos and blogs in C# and wants to justify why they might ignore Visual Basic - errrr.... such as me a few months back. Sorry.

"Sure - there may well be a lot of folks using Visual Basic .NET but they are not my audience. I am after the early adopters, the folks who will work with the newest stuff from Microsoft - and that in general just is not the Visual Basic .NET developers"


I thought I would spend a few minutes to see how much truth there was in the above. I was looking for an article which came in Visual Basic and in C#, written at about the same time, hosted on a neutral site and which I could easily find stats about. came to the rescue, more specifically salysle.

C'# has the edge (which I did expect) but wow - looks like we have plenty of Visual Basic developers willing to use the latest stuff from us. Enjoy!

P.S. The article is well worth a read!

LINQ to SQL: Page Views - C# 6026 vs VB 4913

Simple LINQ to SQL in C#

Last Updated: 4 Jun 2008   Page Views: 6,026   Rating: 4.07 / 5   Votes: 7   Popularity: 3.44

This article provides an introduction to employing LINQ to SQL within a Windows Forms application. The article will address the incorporation of LINQ to SQL into a WinForms project, how to use LINQ to SQL to select, insert, update, and delete data, and how to use LINQ to SQL to execute stored proced

Using LINQ to SQL in Visual Basic

Last Updated: 6 Jun 2008   Page Views: 4,913   Rating: 4.20 / 5   Votes: 3   Popularity: 2.00

This article provides an introduction to employing LINQ to SQL within a Windows Forms application; the article will address the incorporation of LINQ to SQL into a win forms project, how to use LINQ to SQL to select, insert, update, and delete data, and how to use LINQ to SQL to execute stored proce